Katie Keenan
December 2020
Medical Cardiology
Albany Medical Center




Katie would touch my arm, stroke my hand, and continued to talk to me like I was a person and I was still in there. She had no idea I could hear her as I was unable to communicate.
I was admitted to Albany Med for two weeks. During my initial admit I became very ill and then was transferred from the cardiac floor to the MICU. During the period of my decompensation, all of the night nurses on that floor worked endlessly to try to stabilize me and eliminate various sources of intense pain while monitoring me from recovering from the seizure due to electrolyte imbalance. Katie was the day nurse who took over. I have been wondering how to get a hold of her to let her know the impact she had on my life. She is a fierce advocate for her patients. At some point I became unresponsive but what she doesn't know is I had moments where I could hear her. She told me everything that she was doing and that the rapid response team was coming and she was not going to let anything happen to me. She continued this for what, in my mind, seems like hours standing at my bedside asking questions with rapid response, and all doctors as a MICU bed was not readily available. She would touch my arm, stroke my hand, and continued to talk to me like I was a person and I was still in there. She had no idea I could hear her as I was unable to communicate. Now, I only remember bits and pieces when I actually woke up in the MICU. I knew someday I would have to find a way to her what she did for me. She made the scariest moment of my life less scary. I didn't need to panic because she truly had my back. I will never forget her. Please feel free to share this with anyone and everyone you see. I feel it's so important that people understand that sometimes we are actually in there even if it doesn't look like it.