Kim Jaeger
January 2021
Asante Three Rivers Medical Center




Kim came running out and scooped my mom up and took her back. I was quite the mess, needless to say, but Kim reassured me they would be ok and taken good care of.
My 82-year-old father-in-law was transported to Asante at 3:30 pm for a bad fall that resulted in a broken fibula in his left leg. So, I have to give you some background. My father-in-law took his 1st fall in January that shattered the femur in that leg. Because of his heart issues Asante physicians had him sent to Peace Health in Springfield so he would have a whole team to better serve him. After a week there he was sent to Highland House for rehabilitation, he was separated then from his wife of 63 years. My mother-in-law moved in with us while dad was at Highland House as they live far away. After 3 months and COVID shutting all access to these facilities down, we got to bring him home. In June he took another fall, sending him again to Peace Health for a week for a fractured tibia. This time, Mom had to stay back, they would not let her stay with him due to COVID. We got him home and with hard work and determination we got him walking and healing great, when yet again he stood up and fainted in August, sending him back to Asante.
My poor little mother-in-law all of 100 lbs 4'8'' was permitted to be in the room with him while they assessed what they were going to do. All this time (5 hrs) I'm waiting outside the emergency room to see if he will be transported up north again or Medford. My mother can't hear so for her to call me and keep me updated was not going to happen. So, these two sweet elderly people were Graced and Blessed with a nurse by the name of Kim Jaeger who updated me constantly from my dad's phone (that my mom had no clue how to use). She let me know he was going into X-ray - he was out of X-ray. She let me know that they were probably going to send him up north for the surgery and she had me call Peace Health to see if they would allow my mom to stay with him. I got the confirmation she would be able to stay in the room with him if she could ride up in the ambulance. Kim called me and said she got confirmation from AMR she could ride up with them, but I needed to come to get her and take her home to get a bag packed for her and dad, that AMR was coming in about 30 minutes. Kim gave me her number to call when I got to the emergency entrance and she would send Mom out to avoid any hold up at the screening table, having them trying to call in and get someone to have my mom come out!! I had to drive her home, throw a bag together - get her meds - chargers for dad's phone, and make sure she had her iPad as that would be her only link to us to keep us posted on what will happen with dad.
While we were at the house packing a bag, Kim called me and said AMR was on their way and they would not wait for my mom. I grabbed my mom and we raced into town to get her on the ambulance. Got to the emergency entrance asked the gentleman screener to please take my mom to dad's room to meet the ambulance crew transporting them to Peach Health. The bag I packed my mom was going to be too heavy for her to carry and I totally lost it when I got it out of the car and handed it to her knowing it was way too heavy for her!! Kim called me yet again to tell me they were there wheeling dad out to the ambulance. I let her know Mom was in the lobby of the emergency room waiting to be checked in. She came running out and scooped my mom up and took her back. I was quite the mess, needless to say, but Kim reassured me they would be ok and taken good care of. I let her know it is now 9:00 pm and my poor mom has not even eaten anything. Kim told me don't worry, she had her covered.
When all was said and done, and my in-laws were back home, my mom said the bag we packed exploded in the lobby - Kim got mom on the ambulance - came back collected her belongings put them in sturdy bags had the EMT put them in the ambulance and she had gotten a sack meal together with juice and water to send with my mom. End result, because of Kim's patient dedication and compassion for people, my parents got to Peace Health together, my father was able to have peace of mind his wife and lifelong partner was with him safe he did not have to worry about her nor did he have to go through surgery #3 in 6 months of time alone. I had a horrible experience that day/night with the female screener that day, the kindness and care Kim showed and went way above and beyond. In the past 6 months, my family has dealt with more than our share of stress. COVID blockages, loss from work to care for those two well-loved people, five evacuations for other family members, and the dreadful smoke! Thank you, Kim Jaeger, for being the angel of care my dear parents needed. She will always be the hero to our family.