Ashlee Maple
November 2020
Kootenai Health
Coeur d’Alene




The primary quality that stands out to me from that day was Ashlee's authentic nursing presence.
Thank you so much for your time and efforts to recognize nursing staff who characterize the best of the nursing profession. As a retired nurse, I am highly cognizant of the best in nursing care and the nurses who consistently exemplify extraordinary clinical and compassionate care in their practice.
I was recently a patient at Kootenai Health. When I was admitted, I was anticipating a 3-day stay for a bowel resection. However, it ended up being a 9-day stay that included an emergency return to the OR for an unexpected perforation. The unit was extremely busy and I'm sure that Ashlee had several other patients for whom she was responsible. But, as my clinical picture worsened throughout the day, Ashlee seemed to be there constantly. She tried everything possible to make me more comfortable. She kept the surgeon and his staff continually informed about my status. She kept my husband and me informed about my clinical picture and interventions that were taking place.
The primary quality that stands out to me from that day was Ashlee's authentic nursing presence. I recall crying out several times for her and she was there no matter what - physically and psychologically. She held me and touched me, reassuring me that she and all of the other caregivers were doing whatever they could to address my needs.
Although I never saw Ashlee again during my hospital stay, her presence continues to impact my recovery and healing. I think of her every day knowing that she is impacting other patients' care. She is the essence of the best of nursing!
Thank you, Ashlee, for being there for me! And, thank you for your commitment to being present with every patient you care for every day. You're the best of the best.