February 2021
Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital




Since we do not live far from each other, Michel said he would fix my tire in the morning and he would bring my truck to me. I was shocked and overwhelmed.
Michel is one of the night shift cardiac nurses who cares for some of our sickest babies with cardiac defects. He is an amazing bedside nurse, team player, and helpful charge nurse. He is known to go out of his way for his coworkers, patients, and families when they need him, regardless of the reason. It is for this reason that I want to acknowledge Michel for going above and beyond for a coworker the other night. I was that co-worker. I am currently in school and I had a big paper due that night. I had already completed half of my paper and needed to get home quickly to finish the other half. As I was walking towards my truck, I wondered why my truck was leaning to the right. My tire was completely flat on the ground and my heart sank. I called the night shift charge nurse to ask her for security's number and told her what happened to me. She must have explained my situation to Michael because while I was waiting for security, the charge nurse called me back and told me that Michel said to take his car home. Since we do not live far from each other, he said he would fix my tire in the morning and he would bring my truck to me. I was shocked and overwhelmed. I asked multiple times if he was sure because I have never had anyone offer me their car except for family. I was so appreciative of his support. I was going to be able to get home safely and finish my paper. After thanking him over and over, I told him that I would be back in the morning, so not to worry about my tire or truck because I would deal with it in the morning when I bring back his car. To me, this act goes above and beyond for a coworker. It was unexpected and truly appreciated. Thank you, Michel.