March 2020
Charter College
United States
This student is sincere in his interactions with peers, humbly helping with any task and be-friending patients. He has a tender heart which draws people to him. On one occasion, a patient with Alzheimer's was assigned to a student who was unable to provide the level of attention or time required. Frequently the patient would cry out in frustration, becoming angry and agitated if he did not receive an immediate response. A great deal of time was required to calm and reassure the patient and more time was required to re-orient the patient to his surroundings. This student prioritized this patient's needs and went to the bedside to calm, comfort and re-orient the patient when the assigned student was unavailable. He spent extra time at the patient's bedside engaging in conversation and providing the nurse-patient connection that was needed. When he was thanked for taking on the extra responsibility and helping with the patient, he humbly brushed aside the praise stating, "He (the patient) was scared, and I did what I could for him". This perfectly describes this student, who genuinely cares for patients and does not require attention or recognition for his actions. For the remainder of the clinical day, the patient kept saying, "Send that nice nurse back in here!"