February 2019
Labor and Delivery
UPMC Hamot




Grace would continuously readjust the monitors and peek her head out of the bathroom to ensure it was reading properly. Her hair, her scrubs, her shoes were all soaked with water by the time I was finished.
It is only after my postpartum follow-up appointment that I am able to write this letter. I wanted to express my sincerest thanks to my nurse Grace, my doctor, and the entire Labor and Delivery team working on the evening when I came in. Although those words don't seem sufficient for the overwhelming gratitude I have. While sitting waiting to see the doctor for the first time since delivery, it hit me how fortunate I truly am. I am lucky enough to be able to bring our newborn son to this appointment, where a friend of mine (just months prior) was not able to do so. If I would have been in any other hospital with any other team I do not believe that the outcomes of that evening would have been the same.
All appeared well as I was walking the hallways trying to kick that 4cm dilation to 10! As things started to progress, I realized just how lucky I was to have Grace as my nurse. To remain comfortable I stayed in the shower for well over an hour and a half. Obviously, while actively laboring the monitoring equipment is crucial. Unfortunately, it didn't stay put while I was changing positions every 2 seconds to find some comfort. Grace stood by my side that entire time getting drenched with water. She would continuously readjust the monitors and peek her head out of the bathroom to ensure it was reading properly. Her hair, her scrubs, her shoes were all soaked with water by the time I was finished. I could hear the water slosh around inside of her shoes as she walked me back to the bed. I apologized and told her to go get changed and dry off. As it turns out, there wouldn't be any time for that.
Clouded by a little Nubain and Phenergan at that time, I now can make a timeline of that evening. As baby boy started to descend into the pelvis, Grace was quick to notice his decelerations. After multiple position changes and still, no improvement Grace was quick to react. It truly wasn't until days later that I realize the gravity of the situation. Quickly moving from side to side to sitting upright to laying back down didn't have me questioning anything. All the while Grace was handing fluids, placing me on an NRB mask, and instructing my husband to "push the button at the head of the bed." It still didn't dawn on me that my blood pressure was decreasing, and the baby was in significant distress. Grace was calm for me when she needed to be, but assertive in her requests when necessary. Had Grace hesitated for even 5 seconds, things would not be the same. After the doctor and (what seemed like) the entire L&D floor arrived it was time to deliver the baby. The composure of that room was something to be exemplified. Everyone worked together as a team to ensure a safe delivery. Even though I was only 9cm dilated, it was time. After pushing with all my might, bursting every blood vessel in my face, a vacuum assist was necessary. It wasn't until after he was born safely, and I was holding L on my chest did the doctor discuss what happened. You see, L was a nuchal cord X3; twice around his neck and once around a limb. This explains the late decelerations and unraveling of the abovementioned event. Grace was able to recognize an issue immediately which led to bringing the doctor to the bedside. His suspicions of the distress were correct enabling him to control the delivery and remove the umbilical cord that was tightening around our son's neck. I know all too well that every story doesn't end this way and question what would have happened had this gone any other way... Had the doctor sent me home from triage to continue laboring on my own. Had Grace gone and changed her soaking wet scrubs and shoes. Had she waited but 5 seconds longer to ask for help. But that's not what happened. Grace's knowledge and confidence were empowering, and her compassion was humbling. My doctor's expertise and previous experience were literally life-saving. As I sit here holding my newborn baby, I owe this moment to Grace and my doctor and I owe every moment like this from here on out to both of them. Thank you.