Dina Brimm
February 2021
Labor & Delivery Unit
Advocate Lutheran General Hospital




At that point, and thanks to our nurse Dina, we felt empowered to question the decision and to request the resident to call our doctor before anything was done.
We came in one morning to get induced. Dina was our night shift nurse starting later in the evening with us. Being our first child, we were so nervous and clueless about so many things and Dina listened to all of our concerns and questions, and she took the time to give us clear, thoughtful answers to each. This helped calm us both and continue through the induction process with more ease. We were already impressed with her level of care at that point, but her true shining moment came late that night when the biggest decisions needed to be made.
First, Dina took the time to guide us to make a knowledgeable and educated decision regarding the epidural. She did not push one way or the other, but she empowered us to make the decision that was the best for our family.
Later, when a resident doctor came in and told us that we needed to do a specific procedure that would break the water, Dina questioned the procedure and thought to try more holistic options before doing an unnecessary procedure. At that moment, we realized that we should be asking more questions, and we are so glad we did. Time passed and the same resident doctor came back ready to start the procedure that we hadn't agreed to. At that point, and thanks to our nurse, we felt empowered to question the decision and to request the resident to call our doctor before anything was done. The resident agreed.
In the meantime, Dina thought it would be good to check how dilated I was before proceeding. While I was on the phone with my Doctor, who was trying to convince me to start the procedure, Dina noticed that I was already at 10 centimeters! Thanks to her involvement, knowledge, and care, we were able to move forward with labor and avoided any unnecessary procedures. She not only helped us relax in one of the most important moments of our lives but also taught us a big lesson. Always question anything that doesn't make you feel comfortable or that you do not understand.
We feel that, without this nurse actively present throughout the evening, we would have been pushed into taking unnecessary risks for both mom and baby. Thankfully, she was our guardian angel that night, and we are so grateful to her.