Anna Kiel
January 2021
Women's Health Breast Center
Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital




She is an excellent communicator, and her voice would calm the most anxious patient. Anna did a wonderful job of calming me down and gave me further information about the process.
Anna was so professional, caring, and supportive during a stressful ultrasound biopsy procedure. Most memorable was her holding my hands as the radiologist numbed my breast and took several samples. She is an excellent communicator, and her voice would calm the most anxious patient, which I was (I have a terrible family history of breast cancer)! As the former CEO of Henry Ford Health System, I have seen so many wonderful employees over the 18 years I worked for the System, but Anna is one of the best! Thank you!
During my breast biopsy, Anna was masterful at keeping me calm. She held my hand during the procedure and asked questions about my teaching job to keep my mind off of it. The doctor who did the biopsy was abrupt in telling me following the procedure that it was "most likely cancer", very much catching me off-guard right before she left the room. I was shaking and in shock. Anna did a wonderful job of calming me down and gave me further information about the process. Knowledge is power, and the nursing staff did an incredible job telling me what to expect moving forward and to make sense of what was happening. Once I was done changing and ready to leave, Anna sat down with me one more time to make sure I didn't have any further questions. She took an additional 15 minutes or so to answer my questions and put me at ease. I can't imagine what the day would have been like without her. I will never forget her extra effort and acts of kindness.
Anna was my nurse during my biopsy. It's a scary thing if you need a biopsy so I was clearly anxious. Anna was very supportive and encouraging and made me feel more normal and comfortable. She also distracted me during the procedure itself with conversation and offered to hold my hand. She went above and beyond, and I was so grateful.
I had an abnormal mammogram and an ultrasound; I needed a breast biopsy. Anna occupied me with her gentle voice throughout the whole procedure and held my hand until the end. She made me feel very comfortable and was so good at what she does. She even called me with the results to comfort me. I will always remember my experience as a pleasant one even when it's not the most pleasant and a nerve-wracking procedure. Thanks to Anna.
I had a needle biopsy done for the first time and I was a little nervous going into the procedure. My nurse, Anna went above and beyond to make sure I had a great experience and even held my hand during the procedure. She really made me feel comfortable and I've never had that kind of care before. She was amazing and I will never forget her.
I was very nervous for my biopsy and she held my hand through the whole thing and just made me feel as comfortable as possible. It's hard not being able to bring a support person in with you due to COVID but she was extremely comforting and made the procedure much less stressful. Thank you, Anna!
Anna was outstanding. I appreciate having everything explained so thoroughly. Her care and empathy. I spent the most time with Anna and I appreciate the cautious approach. Thank you!
Anna held my hand and rubbed my back during my mammogram biopsy and my sonogram biopsy, and it made all my discomfort disappear. Thank you, Anna! You made me feel that I was among people who care.
Anna was very upbeat and a pleasure to talk to. She speaks with a very soothing voice and with sincerity. She is kind and very compassionate.
Anna was very supportive and comforting during my procedure. Thank you, Anna!