Dianna Landry
October 2020
Texas Children's Hospital




Dianne reassured me of his next genetic diagnosis and talked with me on a personal level (for hours!) that truly made me feel comforted and at ease.
Dianne only had my son for 2 nights out of his six-week stay but made a great impact on my experience at Texas Children's Hospital. She cared for C the night after his G-tube surgery and went above and beyond to comfort him and put his needs first. The MRI team called in the middle of the night as they had an opening, yet she turned them away since C was recovering from surgery. It meant a lot to me that she cared for his needs and comfort more than getting a requested test performed. He also had a bad de-saturation that night due to pain that required stimulation. I feel very lucky that he was in such good hands. Additionally, I stayed at the hospital that night, and Dianne reassured me of his next genetic diagnosis and talked with me on a personal level (for hours!) that truly made me feel comforted and at ease. She shows exemplary care of her patients and their worried moms!