Jerry Lemley
March 2021
Emergency Department
Nemours Children's Hospital




The patient's care benefitted significantly because of Jerry.
On a recent Wednesday, Jerry was caring for a patient with a history of severe autism and a G-tube. The patient also had a history of violence with painful medical procedures. The GI APRN called the ED as the patient had granulation tissue growing over the G-tube and the G-tube port could not be opened to administer the patient's anti-epileptic medications. The patient was also in need of a G-tube change and silver nitrate application to the granulation tissue. This patient was expected to need an IV for her anti-epileptic medication and sedation with ketamine or operative management for G-tube care.
To provide background on this day, patients were already boarding in the ED. In this case, patients would most likely be boarding in the ED until the procedure. The patient's mother also said that the patient has had a violent reaction to ketamine in the past, making it more likely the patient would require admission and operative management.
Jerry bonded with the patient. He learned she loved Snickers candy bars. He worked with her and devised a plan where he would place her IV in one stick. When Dr. H. learned of this, he went into the room to congratulate Jerry and the patient. Jerry told Dr. H. about the patient's love of Snickers. So, they bought two Snickers bars. Jerry and the patient made a bet about the G-tube change and the Snickers. The patient laid still, had her G-tube changed, and the silver nitrate applied to the granulation tissue - No OR, No admission. They ate the Snickers together.
What Jerry did was amazing. The bond he created with this child and the way he utilized her love of Snickers was ingenious. The patient's care benefitted significantly because of Jerry.
Jerry deserves all the accolades and treats that come with the DAISY award- Dr. H. and I will add the Snickers!