Hallie Irion
May 2021
Traumatic Brain Injury
Shirley Ryan Ability Lab




Hallie Irion provided me an opportunity to connect with my mom during her quarantine
My mom has been here at Shirley Ryan Ability Lab (SRAL). For the first six weeks, we weren't sure if any progress would be made. Now here we are and I have seen incredible strides of improvement. I want to thank all of the nurses who have taken care of my mom. One of the first days for me at SRAL, I was greeted in the hallway by a very bright-eyed nurse who said "Hi! I'm Hallie! We met on FaceTime!" Hallie Irion not only provided me an opportunity to connect with my mom during her quarantine but has gone above and beyond for all of her care.
At times when I couldn't explain to my mom why I couldn't take her to the toilet to void, Hallie was there and explained to my mom who felt so reassured after. Most recently, Hallie helped me advocate for my mom. After a long workday, Hallie took the time to write an extensive email to the occupational therapist and has helped my mom in more psychological ways than she knows. We are so grateful to be here! All of her nurses have been amazing and we were so lucky to have Hallie included in that list. We love you Hallie!