Brittany Hulen
May 2021
Dignity Health St. Bernardine Medical Center




Brittany is deeply intelligent, clearly skilled, and yet deeply humble
Brittany Hulen, my Nurse and the leader of a truly fine team of Nurses is my favorite Nurse of all time. Quite simply, recently having had pneumonia and being diagnosed with CHF, I have been in and out of the hospitals in my area. To say I am a "frequent flyer" lately is more than a funny and poignant joke. It is true, sadly. I am told I am dying and have two years before my heart fails. Brittany listened carefully and very kindly even when so very busy. She compassionately and astutely provided care that is far beyond the call of duty. I love Brittany like an older brother loves a younger sibling. She is that special and has become so very dear to me. I have found in my 50 short years on this planet, that over time, it is difficult if not impossible for people to hide what they truly are. Brittany is a lovely and genuinely kind and good person as well as a skilled Nurse. Not only that, Brittany is deeply intelligent, clearly skilled, and yet deeply humble. I want to adopt her into my family! Brittany also makes a great therapist, as she truly is a good listener, an art that is disappearing in this age of managed care and extreme bean-counting. Thank you Brittany!