Lauren Kraemer
May 2021
Sauk Prairie Healthcare
Sauk Prairie Healthcare




Lauren really took the time to go above and beyond with this family.
Lauren puts her heart into her work. She is so caring and kind. As a CNA, I experience her first-hand provide caring and compassionate care on a daily basis. I listened to her explain discharge instructions to a patient that was anxious about going home. In a calm manner she explained everything to the patient and had him and his wife repeat everything back to her, so they fully understood everything. This meant that she had to repeat things a few times but remained calm and continued to calm the family down. She had the family repeat what signs or symptoms to look for to go to the ER or to call their doctor. The patient and family started off so worried but in the end of the discharge they felt safe and supported. Lauren really took the time to go above and beyond with this family.