Rachel Kraft
May 2021
Emergency Department
EvergreenHealth Monroe




Rachel was so good with my mom
A patient visited the Emergency Department who had fallen at home and been injured. Due to the patient’s dementia, she was not aware that she had fallen or where she was. When the patient’s daughter arrived, she explained her mom's dementia and she explained to Rachel Kraft that her mom laughs then cries and screams and that everything is very extreme with her mom’s behavior because of dementia. Rachel is recognized by the daughter of this patient:

Rachel seemed to get it right away and knew when to laugh with her and when not to and wanted to be sensitive when her behavior went sideways. Rachel was so good with my mom the entire day. Most people tire quickly in the first ten minutes. While we were there, I told her how great she was handling my mom that she must have had some experience with dementia, but throughout the day it became clear that I think it was more her nature and commitment to her job that made our day so much easier on me and my mother. It takes a special person to deal with the mood swings back-and-forth. I was so thankful to have Rachel as the nurse. She let others like the x-ray person and CT techs and people who had to help with the IVs and wound cleansing person know of the situation. Rachel made sure everyone in contact with my mom was aware of her condition. When I told her what a good job she had done for us she responded that she loves her job! Thanks again to Rachel!