Steve Mahier
May 2021
Connecticut Children's Medical Center




Steve saved my life
Our child AN was born and treated at CCMC 20 years ago and has received care there ever since. We are well aware of and have always greatly appreciated, the outstanding care and concern of all of the doctors, nurses, and staff.
Recently, AN had major heart surgery that did not go as smoothly as planned. There was a time when his life was not at all assured, and he had to undergo a second surgery to stop excessive bleeding.
Steve Mahier worked several very busy, stressful, and hectic nights, and did so with a ridiculous amount of professionalism and obvious skill that went beyond mere competency.
We have unfortunately spent enough days and nights in differing hospitals to know the importance of a good night nurse, especially in an ICU environment where small things matter so much, and issues can arise very quickly.
During the time AN was bleeding, Steve was an independent and professionally passionate advocate for both aggressive clotting factors to be given to AN, as well as for the concept that something was not right and that additional measures would likely be needed.
Although we as parents feel this way about Steve, one other additional aspect should be noted. A few days after coming home, and during a talk about everything that happened, AN himself specifically noted Steve and his friendly demeanor and skill, and that while seemingly unconscious that night, he was generally aware of what was going on in the room during the time he was bleeding too much and the decision as to what to do, and whether to operate again, was being made. AN simply said, "That guy saved my life that night. Really, Steve saved my life."
Steve truly did a great job that night advocating for our son and urging aggressive measures when needed, instead of perhaps taking a more passive role that may have resulted in our son coding, or worse.
We are acutely aware of and eternally grateful to Steve for his intellect and for being medically diligent in the dead of night; understanding and then advocating for what was needed for AN when it was needed.

Thanks again Steve. You went above and beyond in every respect, and it could not be more appreciated by AN and our entire family.