March 2021
IPU4 Med Surg Inpatient Unit
Marshfield Medical Center- Weston
United States




Pan has that “something special.” My wife recognized it, too.
She appeared in my room shortly after transfer from PACU. “I’ll be your nurse until seven,” she said. I muttered something about having the night shift, still somewhat groggy from my surgery. She replied, no, she would be leaving shortly but would return at seven in the morning. Her name tag read “Pan Y.”

Upon discharge the following afternoon, as I passed her in the corridor, I said, “Pan, I would hug you if I could. Thank you for taking such good care of me.” One expects good care in a hospital and, thanks to the dedication of so many health care professionals – heroes, in today’s world – it is usually given. But sometimes there is just something special in the manner in which it is offered and delivered.

Pan has that “something special.” My wife recognized it, too. But, you know, it’s kind of mysterious, kind of like a vapor. You may not even realize it until you’ve been able to reflect on how quickly she responded to calls, how efficiently she administered her medical duties, how easily she answered questions, how she exuded confidence and competence. And, in hindsight, made you feel as important to her as she was to you.