Karli Matthews
June 2021
6W Medical-surgical unit
VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System
United States




Karli’s natural ability to calm even the most savage beast is really something to witness.
Karli has been my nurse for seven days. As a scientist, and not lacking formal education in human anatomy and physiology, I have spoken with her about concepts and treatments, that I have researched prior to my upcoming surgery. Karli is extremely well versed in many treatment options and answered my questions with professionalism, only after listening to what I was asking. By far, the most important thing anyone can do for me when I ask difficult questions, is to state the following! “I do not know but I will get you the answer.” Karli returns with answers.

My Patient History is PTSD onset age 4, major depression disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, musculoskeletal (disc) disorder of the spine and knees. The purpose of my stay was spinal infusion and a mental health crisis. Karli’s natural ability to calm even the most savage beast is really something to witness. Being an extreme introvert, and having general distrust for humans, presents considerable obstacles when trying to convey my symptoms to any individual. Karli was a calming presence that allows me, not only to communicate an idea verbally, but reassures me that I can convey the thought to her later when I recenter myself.

Karli has shown me that I can trust her, only by exhibiting a pattern of empathetic/wholistic care over the course of the last 7 days. It is my sincere hope that you not only recognize her, but to do it in a way that she truly feels appreciation.
None of our jobs are easy, this week has been my darkest hour. I do not wish to leave out the exceptional members of Karli’s team, who also provided exceptional care, for a passively suicidal veteran, but I want you to see Karli’s worth as I do!