Laura Ledford
November 2020
Laura H
Medical Intensive Care Unit
Atrium Health Carolinas Medical Center
United States




Laura displays true transformational leadership and believes in the power of the voice of the direct care teammates.
Laura Ledford understands and recognizes the value of the contributions to high-quality care from bedside nurses and healthcare technicians. Laura's team is very important to her, and she works hard to maintain a healthy work environment for them. Her commitment to her team has been especially evident during the COVID-19 pandemic.

As MICU became the ICU cohort unit for COVID-19, Laura stepped up to serve as a leader and a voice for her teammates. Laura demonstrated strong communication skills by providing consistent messaging, keeping all teammates informed with the multiple daily updates on COVID-19. She also advocated for meetings with executive leaders when teammates voiced concerns. Teammates were concerned about the security of available personal protective equipment (PPE), particularly respirators. Laura provided reassurance and obtained additional equipment for the team. Some teammates continued to feel anxious and wanted to purchase their own equipment. Laura knew that this would provide them with comfort and security, so she supported their decision and she reimbursed them.

At the bedside, Laura noted barriers to communication between teammates. A teammate would be in a COVID-19 patient's room and need a medication, equipment, or other assistance; however, they were unable to communicate those needs due to isolation. Laura purchased walkie-talkies and hand-held whiteboards for teammates to use to communicate with one another while in isolation. This improved communication, reduced PPE usage, and reduced exposure of additional teammates to COVID-19. Laura Ledford also advocated for an additional float nurse without a patient assignment. This nurse was able to assist other teammates in isolation rooms, monitor patients, assist in transportation (ensuring cleaning after moving through hallways/elevators), and relieve teammates for breaks. This additional nurse really contributes to the care of the complex, critically ill COVID-19 patients. Laura values all interactions with our patients and their families, and during COVID-19 she listened even more intently.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, visitors are not allowed for MICU's patients unless the patient is actively dying. In order to allow patients' families to communicate with them, Laura advocated for additional iPads. The teammates helped patients use the iPads to FaceTime so they can see, not just hear, their loved one. This was so meaningful for patients and families. Laura also encouraged participation and advocated for the continuation of the Communication RN Program. This program decreased stress and reduced time the bedside nurses were spending to try to connect patients with their families. Noting that a large portion of the patient population was Spanish-speaking, Laura worked with language services to obtain an in-person interpreter seven days a week. This immensely improved the communication between the healthcare team and the patients.

As the COVID-19 patients increased, Laura collaborated with nursing and physician leaders to determine adequate space for these additional critical care patients. Laura often walked spaces with bedside teammates, taking into consideration their ideas and concerns, and relaying this information back to leaders. Laura displays true transformational leadership and believes in the power of the voice of the direct care teammates.
When patient outcomes are improved and care is enhanced, Laura Ledford leads the celebration of the teammates.

Recently, Laura provided a meal for the teammates to celebrate 300 days without a central line bloodstream infection, rejoiced with one of her nurses after they received the honor of being an NC Great 100 nurse, and acknowledged excellent preceptors nominated for the Star Preceptor Award. She fosters excitement for going above and beyond and she provides meaningful recognition that is unique and individualized for that teammate.

Laura Ledford displays authentic leadership where she engages teammates in shared governance. She supports decisions from the unit-based councils, considering the thoughts and opinions of the direct care teammates. If something is beyond the ability of the unit-based council, she supports the team and presents to system leaders. Laura truly creates an environment that is supportive of her teammates, and they are forever grateful for her. Thank you for the opportunity to recognize Laura Ledford, BSN, RN, CCRN for all she does for patients, families, and our teammates.