Joanne Aberilla
June 2021
Nursing Practice Management
West Kendall Baptist Hospital
United States
In this way, Joanne earned the respect of the nurses.
During this time of great challenges faced during the COVID pandemic, Joanne showed great leadership. She created processes for pronation where there were none. She developed and taught procedures where they did not exist before. She taught classes on the weekends to 3 North nurses to get staff ready to care for a higher level of patients and helped the nurses grow professionally. She jumped right in to provide patient care alongside the clinical nurses, role modeling the correct procedures and behaviors expected of the nurses and nursing team. In this way, Joanne earned the respect of the nurses. Joanne participated in videos demonstrating to nurses the correct way procedures should be done. As a valued member of the Clinical Practice Outcomes Council, Joanne took ownership of the increasing medical device-related pressure injury incidents and promoted prevention in order to improve patient outcomes. Joanne is a nurse leader who leads by example; she talks the talk and walks the walk and for this, we are truly lucky to have her guiding us through these unprecedented times.