Katy Kidwell
May 2021
Good Samaritan Hospital - Vincennes
United States




As it was learned, Katy was instrumental in his diagnosis of a "saddle embolism" of the lungs.
"Extraordinary" seems to be the keyword here. Although Katy has been a favorite nurse for a long time, our "Superhero" Katy flew into action on Saturday. M had returned from being walked in the hall and decided to be put back to bed for a nap. He awoke, telling me he "was sick." I called for help. His Aide was there in an instant, and he told her he thought he needed to go to the bathroom. When I looked at him, his color was changed completely. She felt him "buckle" and called for help immediately. Katy ran down the hall (I prefer the word 'flew'). As soon as she saw him, and assessed him, she had the room full of nurses and aides. She was at the computer terminal simultaneously with the phone at her ear, trying to reach Doctors for order confirmation. But she had the order for a D-Dimer keyed in, ready to send, as soon as it was okayed by the Doctor. She also ordered a room chest x-ray and knew he would need a contrast scan of chest.

Those were all put into the computer, while the staff was preparing him for immediate move to ICU. Katy told me he would need to go there immediately "because they cannot administer heparin" on Rehab floor. Within minutes, we were running behind M's bed, Katy at the head with two staff behind, pushing and pulling. As it was learned, Katy was instrumental in his diagnosis of a "saddle embolism" of the lungs. It was her quick action, and her knowledge of the problem, which sent us on a quick, well-conducted, flight to ICU from REHAB. I cannot put into the proper words the gratitude I feel when I think of not only the medical support, but the emotional support I received from Katy and the others who were at our side at that moment.

Katy Kidwell is a SuperHero! This SuperHero doesn't wear a cape, I know. She wears scrubs, works at the Good Samaritan Hospital's Rehab unit, and she's a Nurse. I thank Katy for being our Wonder Woman! Or SuperWoman. We don't know how heroic nurses are until you need one. I'm grateful that I've learned this lesson with Katy. She is our SuperHero.