Ann Martin
September 2021
Ann S
Short Stay Unit
WellSpan Ephrata Community Hospital
United States




Ann didn't judge me or my husband. She encouraged me to hang in there and when she told my husband the same thing his eyes filled with tears.
Ann Martin truly has made an impact on my life as well as my husband’s life. We both have been patients at Ephrata Community Hospital. I had the privilege of meeting Ann for the first time in the ER department as I sat at the side of my husband’s ER bed crying. My husband was in bad shape after alcohol poisoning. This wasn't his first trip here. Ann looked me in the eyes and shared her story with me about her sister who is struggling with Alcoholism. She was so comforting as she made me feel not so alone. She didn't judge me or my husband. She encouraged me to hang in there and when she told my husband the same thing his eyes filled with tears. The Dr had told me if my husband doesn't stop drinking he will die. I will never forget the way she made me feel important and cared for.

I was double blessed to have Ann again as my nurse for my back surgery. I received once again the best care and comfort. She comforted me and talked to me. Asking off and on how she can help me or if I needed anything. Ann always had a smile and added her special touch to my stay. I didn't know If I would ever see her again but I was blessed to have her as my husband's nurse for his surgery. Ann remembered my husband and congratulated my husband for his hard work at remaining sober now for 2 years. Ann spent the next few hours doing everything she could to make my husband comfortable as well as me. We talked and laughed about everything.

I have never had such care and felt more special than I did with Ann. She has gone way beyond what she had to as our nurse. Ann is the true definition of our mission here at WellSpan. At my lowest point and my husband's, she reached out her hand with grace, dignity, and honor. I am so blessed to have met this amazing nurse Ann S. Martin. May God bless her daily as she has blessed me.