Amber Jones
October 2021
Arkansas Children's Hospital
Little Rock
United States




There have been several hundred (if not over a thousand by now) staff members who have received support from this program since its inception, and it would have never been possible if it had not been for the leadership of Amber Jones.
Amber is a great leader. She is highly respected throughout the organization. She leads by example and is the epitome of a transformational leader. She has an open-door policy and is very approachable. I feel very comfortable talking to her about anything and I know that she has my back. I consider her a great mentor. In her short time with me, she has mentored and empowered me to overcome some of my biggest obstacles. She is someone I can confide in and I know she will help me develop a solution. She has open, honest communication with all of her employees. She consistently brings fresh ideas or alternate ways to approach difficult circumstances. She role models the ACH mission, values, and behavioral standards each and every day. I'm excited to have the chance to work alongside her. She is a great person and a true DAISY Nurse Leader.

About 18 months ago, AC embarked on the CANDOR journey. As a part of that, a caring for the caregiver program (now referred to as WeCARE) was developed. The initial goal was to ensure that staff received compassionate support after they were faced with difficult situations in patient care, specifically harm events. What was not known at that time was how big the demand for such a program would be and we certainly didn't know that a short time later we'd be in a pandemic. Thus, the scope of the program quickly shifted and before long, the program not only encompassed caring for those who had experienced traumatic situations during the course of patient care, but also those who were impacted by other stressors, whether it be a personal exposure to COVID, an injury at work, or the illness/loss of a team member. I don't have all of the numbers at my fingertips, but what I can tell you is that there have been several hundred (if not over a thousand by now) staff members who have received support from this program since its inception, and it would have never been possible if it had not been for the leadership of Amber Jones. She offered her leadership and then took action without ever looking back. There have been many people involved in the work, but Amber has been the primary coordinator and force behind propelling this program forward. She has demonstrated each of the criteria above through this work that she has led with passion and vigor, and it has and will continue to make a difference for nursing staff (and others).