Ruby Akuffo
August 2021
Integris Southwest Medical Center
Oklahoma City
United States
Our angel took care of our mom with compassion, knowledge, respect, and love.
As our journey began in an ambulance to ER to ICU, we started to imagine the worst-case scenario. Our mother, grandma and great grandma was fading before our eyes. As the night wore on, we tried to find the light. It seemed so far away but soon the light started to come our way. The light came closer, it really was an angel. Our angel took care of our mom with compassion, knowledge, respect, and love. Love comes in many ways. That night our angel bathed our mother knowing she would be seeing her grandchildren the next day. This may have been our angel’s first request, “May I take care of your mother and do some extra things to prepare her for her visit with her grandchildren?” When we came back a few hours later our angel had cleaned our mom up and washed her hair and had her face clean and smooth. This made a world of difference. Our mother has continuously improved and we are thankful for our angel, Nurse Ruby. We were so excited to know Ruby would be back again as our mother’s nurse before she went home. Thank you Ruby for the incredible difference you have made in my mother’s life and in ours as well.