October 2021
Short Procedure Unit
Penn Highlands Elk
Saint Marys
United States




She took my hand and she sensed the fear that was in me. I don't know how she did it, but by the time they had stabilized my husband and were ready to transfer him, May had me calmed down.
We met May Hoffman the day my husband J had a massive heart attack. J arrived at the ER by ambulance and I had followed by car. Life-saving measures were immediately started on him and soon I was allowed to be with him in the ER. We were devastated and did not know what was happening. I look up and there was May. She started to explain that my husband needed to be transferred to a larger facility and what to expect. She took my hand and she sensed the fear that was in me. I don't know how she did it, but by the time they had stabilized my husband and were ready to transfer him, May had me calmed down and ready to follow the ambulance. May was so kind and caring. She helped both of us during the worst day of our lives. We soon left the hospital and I never even knew who she was, but she sure made such an impression on me, that I will never forget her.

A few years later I was having lunch with a friend, and I looked over to the next table and there sat the kind nurse who had helped my husband and me through such a difficult time. I walked over to her table and asked her if she happened to be a nurse at the PHE hospital and she said she was. I explained to her who I was and how she helped my husband and I that day, and how much it had meant to both of us. I thanked her and told her I never forgot her kindness and professionalism that day. It meant so much to my husband and me.

Today my husband had an outpatient procedure done at PHE. Imagine how pleased he was to see May's face walk through the door of his hospital room! He immediately knew he was in good hands. She went above and beyond to make sure he received the best care possible. We feel May Hoffman is an asset to PHE and a blessing to all those who end up in her care. She is one in a million!