Jessica Kennedy
September 2021
Community Based Outpatient Clinic
Louis A. Johnson VA Medical Center
United States




Jessica was concerned about the Veteran going that long without a refrigerator, so she coordinated delivery for sooner.
Jessica Kennedy, an RN who works at the Mon CBOC, learned while talking with a Veteran that his refrigerator stopped working. He is in his 80s, lives mostly by himself, and eats mostly cereal. He was unable to keep milk now. Jessica called a social worker to ask if there were any resources to help a Veteran needing an appliance. After finding out there were none, she was instructed to notify the VFW. She left messages but received no response. She then received information to contact Christian Help which found someone to pay for a refrigerator for the Veteran through WV Gold Star Moms. The refrigerator was being bought at Speedway Appliance in Fairmont who gave them a Veteran discount. Speedway Appliance was unable to deliver the refrigerator for several days. Jessica was concerned about the Veteran going that long without a refrigerator, so she coordinated delivery for sooner. The Veteran was so grateful he gave her a thank you card. I am honored to work with a caring, thoughtful, and dedicated nurse who goes above and beyond.