Christine Lattery
August 2021
Eye Clinic Surgery Coordinator
Minneapolis VA Health Care System
United States




Christine got my traveling veteran papers from my primary care provider in Arizona, kept vigilance with community care, and coordinated a surgeon in Minneapolis to clear out the blood in my eye and explant the problem lens.
Christine is the Surgery Coordinator at the Minneapolis VA Eye Clinic. I am a travelling Veteran but didn’t get the correct papers before coming to this area for family and a friend’s memorial services. That’s how it happened that the eye specialist who had treated me 3-5 years ago for the uveitis said, “You don’t need a uveitis specialist right now, you need a retinal surgeon!”

Indeed, a year and a half ago she’d told me that my lens implant was tilted and causing a front and middle eye bleed. I totally lost sight in my right eye and I was told that I may never recover sight in that eye. Now Christine hustled to get everything planned for the surgery I had. She got community care moving, hurdling obstacles and a surgery date moved up due to the deterioration of my eye condition. Christine got my traveling veteran papers from my primary care provider in Arizona, kept vigilance with community care, and coordinated a surgeon in Minneapolis to clear out the blood in my eye and explant the problem lens.

Truly these pretty DAISY brochures lying all around the VA rang True of this diligent RN accomplishing a lot in a week and certainly going above and beyond in her compassionate care and extraordinary skills in all the “ICARE” values. Every one of them: Integrity, compassion, advocacy, respect, and excellence!