Aldrin Philip S Abel
November 2021
Aldrin Philip S
Emergency Department
The Medical City-Clark
Aldrin diligently finish the tasks assigned to him with flying colors. He is always willing to extend help to his colleagues.
P- Passion for Nursing and the Care you Provide (Compassion) When Aldrin started the institution as a ward nurse, you can really see his passion for work. He stayed in the Surgical Nursing Unit for 8 months and shared his expertise and was then transferred to the Emergency Department. You will see a real nurse with a genuine heart who always helps his colleagues and shows extra care to his patients.
E- Empathy in the Situation (Compassion) With his expertise and experience throughout the years of practice, he was offered to lead the institution as a Nursing Supervisor. Through this, Aldrin was able to expand his horizon, can show his passion for work, and was able to interact and help with other departments. As days go by, you can see his progress towards his decision-making skill which is really important as a leader. He was able to resolve concerns and handle every situation in a discrete and professional way.
T- Trust and Teamwork of Families, Patient, and Peers (Confidence) He has leadership capabilities that were already established in his unit and were given an opportunity to lead as a nursing supervisor to share his skills. He proved himself that he has done more than enough to show his passion for work and is now trusted by everyone.
A- Admirable Attributes Possessed (Competence) With his high standards of professionalism at work leads him to have an opportunity to supervise the hospital. He may be new to this, but I believe that his experience in the Emergency Department will guide him in every decision he will make. He also possesses solid stamina, we all know that he really works for long duty hours, literally long duty hours, and almost no rest days. I often hear that he really proved it, not only to himself but to everyone.
L- Love for the Patient and Nursing Profession (Commitment) Honestly speaking, loving our profession is really hard. We may have ups and downs and sometimes thought of quitting. Being a nurse isn’t easy, it is a field that can be extremely demanding and even unforgiving to those who pursue it. Dealing with a lot of difficult patients through his experience enhanced his capability to interact well. He diligently finish the tasks assigned to him with flying colors. He is always willing to extend help to his colleagues. From code violet to patient communications. Day by day, you can see his love to change for the better.
S-Selflessness (Conscientiousness) Selflessness. The perfect word to describe him. He works long duty hours and I may say he stays in the hospital than with his family. He always put others first. He is not just a colleague but also a brother, a companion, a friend, and most importantly a father who always sacrifices for his son.
E- Empathy in the Situation (Compassion) With his expertise and experience throughout the years of practice, he was offered to lead the institution as a Nursing Supervisor. Through this, Aldrin was able to expand his horizon, can show his passion for work, and was able to interact and help with other departments. As days go by, you can see his progress towards his decision-making skill which is really important as a leader. He was able to resolve concerns and handle every situation in a discrete and professional way.
T- Trust and Teamwork of Families, Patient, and Peers (Confidence) He has leadership capabilities that were already established in his unit and were given an opportunity to lead as a nursing supervisor to share his skills. He proved himself that he has done more than enough to show his passion for work and is now trusted by everyone.
A- Admirable Attributes Possessed (Competence) With his high standards of professionalism at work leads him to have an opportunity to supervise the hospital. He may be new to this, but I believe that his experience in the Emergency Department will guide him in every decision he will make. He also possesses solid stamina, we all know that he really works for long duty hours, literally long duty hours, and almost no rest days. I often hear that he really proved it, not only to himself but to everyone.
L- Love for the Patient and Nursing Profession (Commitment) Honestly speaking, loving our profession is really hard. We may have ups and downs and sometimes thought of quitting. Being a nurse isn’t easy, it is a field that can be extremely demanding and even unforgiving to those who pursue it. Dealing with a lot of difficult patients through his experience enhanced his capability to interact well. He diligently finish the tasks assigned to him with flying colors. He is always willing to extend help to his colleagues. From code violet to patient communications. Day by day, you can see his love to change for the better.
S-Selflessness (Conscientiousness) Selflessness. The perfect word to describe him. He works long duty hours and I may say he stays in the hospital than with his family. He always put others first. He is not just a colleague but also a brother, a companion, a friend, and most importantly a father who always sacrifices for his son.