Courtney Matyas
February 2022
Seattle Children's Hospital
United States




Courtney was walking back to Sand Point Clinic when she saw a man walking holding his son toward the Ocean Entrance. He appeared lost, so Courtney asked if she could help him find where he was going. This gentleman stated his son had just been discharged from an outside hospital with newly diagnosed diabetes and had been told to present at the ED. Courtney, recognizing that this man was nowhere near the ED was prepared to direct him but also noticed his son appeared pale, diaphoretic, nauseated and displayed Kussmaul breathing. Recognizing the signs of advanced DKA, she quickly escorted this family to the River 3 entrance with the intent to cut through the hospital and get this family to the ED quickly. They were stopped by security at the entrance and told they could not go through the hospital. Courtney then initiated a Code Blue. When the team arrived and was able to stabilize this child - it was discovered that he was minutes away from needing to be intubated. Thanks to Courtney's quick thinking and great assessment skills, she ensured the safety of this child and prevented further harm from happening. She truly helped save this child's life and deserves to be recognized for her amazing efforts.