Liz Messer
October 2021
2 west
Mercy Health - Clermont Hospital
United States




The patient passed with dignity; she passed with the most caring, calm, and compassionate human being holding her hand.
Where do I begin? There is never a moment when Liz is around, that she does not make me and other staff feel supported. However, there have been two specific days that her presence has been nothing short of a miracle!! Recently, one of my patients who was COVID, went from 6 liters of oxygen to 15 liters of oxygen. I approached Liz with worry and she immediately was on the phone with the doctors. Before we knew it, the patient was on 35 liters of vapo-therm; with RT being so busy, and me not knowing much about it, Liz was there for me!! Fast forward, the patient was sent to ICU where Liz was there to help with my other patients and the problems of the unit! This patient was later discharged home after a few days!

Another time, during our 10am meeting with the MD staff, it was brought to my attention that my patient had been vomiting. I went and addressed the situation, I then came back and discussed with Liz about making my patient NPO. As I was addressing another situation with my trainee, Liz went to check on the patient that was vomiting. Sadly, this patient had aspirated. The patient needed 1:1 attention! She required 15 liters of oxygen, deep suctioning, was in and out of consciousness, and was deteriorating quickly. The patient had a sitter from the group home at her bedside. Due to the code status and critical needs, it was decided that the patient would need to be transferred off of 2 west. With the heart and compassion that Liz has, she requested that the patient stay in her room, where she and her caregiver could be comfortable. Liz offered to stay with the patient and provide one on one care. During this time, she monitored the patient's vitals, oxygen, did a sower cap, provided cool bath cloths (patient had a temp of 101.9), changed her gown, and the list goes on and on. In the meantime, she was checking on me, my trainee, the visitor, and updating management, clinical, and the MDs. NEVER once did she blink an eye, knowing that we may have to code this patient. Liz stayed calm and comforting the entire time, for several hours.

Sadly, the patient's health continued to worsen. The Guardian chose to change her code status. Again, Liz stayed with the patient, myself, and the caregiver, as this patient passed peacefully. The patient passed with dignity; she passed with the most caring, calm, and compassionate human being holding her hand. This RN that I am nominating is the most amazing leader, co-worker, nurse, and human being that I have ever met. I can only hope that I can become and continue to be the most amazing human being that she is! I do NOT know where I'd be without her help! She truly is a DAISY Nurse.