Angie Albert
February 2022
CardioVascular ICU
St. Luke's Hospital
United States
Angie listened to her fears, she promised my mom that she would be there with her and that she had nothing to fear.
After failing the cardiac cath pretest for a routine carotid artery procedure, my mom was admitted for a quadruple bypass - my mom's greatest fear. Just the thought of the breathing tube made her anxious. Mom prayed for a fatal heart attack because she was certain she could not do this. Instead, God sent the perfect angel to care for her. Angie listened to her fears, she promised my mom that she would be there with her and that she had nothing to fear. Angie helped shift the focus from all my mom feared to all she had to look forward to. The surgery was long but successful. Angie stayed after her shift ended. She was at Mom's bedside at midnight and texted the family that the breathing tube had been removed. Needless to say, that text made us all cry tears of gratitude and relief. When we came to visit the next day, we saw the pillow Angie had made for my mom and we cried again. Such Love, Such Care, Angie Truly is an angel, an answer to prayer!