Kelsey McLaughlin
March 2022
BSN, RNC-nic
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Baystate Medical Center
United States




Kelsey was our therapist when I was falling apart when it seemed like all I got was bad news. Her hugs meant the world to me.
I’ve thought about this for months and have written this multiple times over and there are simply not enough words or sentiments to show just how amazing Kelsey McLaughlin was to us. I had my baby at 23 weeks gestation with a less than 3% survival weighing 1 lb 4.6oz. If that isn’t enough to send you down a spiral of emotions, I don’t know what is. Our precious G spent the first 5 months of her life under the care of the wonderful team at the NICU. 148 days to be exact. On day 1 it was Kelsey who took the time to go over the good, the bad, the ups the downs… so many downs. G had a long road ahead and had to be strong, and mom and dad had to be just as strong. Kelsey was our therapist when I was falling apart when it seemed like all I got was bad news. Her hugs meant the world to me. G had a PDA ligation at less than 1mo old weighing 1.5lbs. Apart from the surgeon, Kelsey is the only person who has seen our baby's actual heart beating!

From day 1, she advocated for G like she was her own. Other nurses would joke they’d have to ask Kelsey’s permission before changing anything with her care. When the baby was about 2.5mo old and things were pretty stable we decided to step away for a few days. I needed to spend time with my other children and boy did I feel “mom guilt” making this decision, but Kelsey convinced me saying: “I got this, you need this time!” A few days later I get the awful call from Kelsey to give me the news that G had taken a turn and it wasn’t looking good. I was devastated and came back immediately. Together we cried, she loved my baby and was just as devastated. G had other plans and was here for the long road! She then had a G-tube placed and we made sure Kelsey was on shift for this procedure. She would change her schedule to ensure she was present when not only the baby needed her, but boy did I too!

After this surgery, I noticed G wasn’t keeping feeds down and I was concerned something was off. Although surgery advised throwing up was normal, my mom intuition and Kelsey’s experience as a phenomenal bedside nurse, said otherwise. Once again she advocated hard for my baby girl. Again G had to have surgery, this time it was Pyloric stenosis! Did I mention this is a super baby?

I truly in my heart of hearts believe Kelsey’s positivity, compassion, affection, and encouragement are what kept our G alive. She is what kept me composed when I was at my wit's end. As a 23 wk. micro preemie, her lungs are in tough shape and she is still currently on oxygen here at home. Her story is not yet over! You have an amazing NICU and our family is forever grateful for the 148 days spent with you all.