Jacqueline Latessa
March 2022
Heart Failure Medical-Surgical Unit
Baptist Memorial Hospital - Memphis
United States




By the time Jacqueline had me ready to go, I was relaxed and confident. It was nothing short of miraculous. I felt as though I had gained a new best friend.
I was admitted for Covid complications and a month later was discharged. While in the room, I had several excellent nurses who cared for me but by far the nurse who surpassed all expectations and job requirements was this specific one. Being isolated and unsure of my prognosis made me quite anxious and frightened. She came into my room for the first time and that all began to change. She was genuinely interested in helping me to get well. She answered all my questions honestly and in terms I could understand. When I needed her, she came as quickly as she could; and, if she was unable to come right away because she was with another patient (staff was very shorthanded), she would call and assure me she would be there as soon as possible. She always responded. I fondly referred to her as "the Spirometer Nazi" because she had me working with it relentlessly and it worked! All of this made her a fantastic nurse and worthy of an award; however, there was one pivotal moment that will always stand out in my mind as extraordinary.

After being told by both my pulmonary physician and my primary care physician, that, although the admitting Dr. had indicated that I could be discharged, they both felt I should stay in the hospital for another day or so. When the admitting Dr. came in the afternoon and announced that I was being discharged, I went into panic mode. Literally, I was sobbing and shaking - in complete hysteria - having gone from being told by doctors I knew and trusted that I needed to stay to being dismissed with no explanation. I immediately called for my nurse. I truly believe God had her on that shift for me. She came at once and the only way I can describe what she did is to say that she talked me off of the ledge. After calming me down as much as possible, she assured me she would read my chart and explain exactly what had transpired to prompt the sudden discharge orders. She did exactly that. She took the time to reassure me that she felt I would be fine at home and would, in fact, be better off there. She personally helped me gather my belongings and calmly and cheerfully prepared the discharge papers and explained them to me. By the time the nurse had me ready to go, I was relaxed and confident. It was nothing short of miraculous. As I was being wheeled out, I passed her in the hall and we waved goodbye. I felt as though I had gained a new best friend. I cannot imagine a nurse more deserving of this award than her. She is a gift to the nursing profession. She was the salvation in my life. Please reward this wonderful lady!