Taylor Houlette
February 2022
Heart Center
Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare System
United States




I do not know what she had to do to achieve that, but I appreciate all the steps that must have been done, especially at the end of her 12 hr shift.
Taylor truly followed in her mother’s footsteps. On her locker, Taylor has a laminated photo from a 1998 newspaper article in which she and her mother, who was a respiratory therapist at the hospital, were shown together in a photo as part of a feature highlighting take-your-daughter-to-work day. Twenty-four years later, Taylor is making headlines again as an SVMHS nurse receiving the prestigious DAISY Award for extraordinary nursing care. The nomination was submitted by a patient who was impressed with the extra effort Taylor made to make sure the patient was able to get her heart medication after the pharmacy had made an error in processing the order and the original location was closed for the evening. The patient wrote in part: “I did not know who to call because it was the Hospitalist who wrote my discharge orders and I did not know how to get a hold of him. So I decided to call Taylor, RN. She confirmed that I needed to take that cardiac med that night. She said, “let me see what I can do”. Twenty-five minutes later she said the missing med would be ready for pick up at a 24 hour location. I do not know what she had to do to achieve that, but I appreciate all the steps that must have been done, especially at the end of her 12 hr shift. I feel she went up and beyond and I can’t say how much I appreciate her help, especially in light of just being discharged from an 8-day stay. Thank you, Taylor!”