Ryan Wurfel
November 2021
ED Behavioral Health
MaineGeneral Medical Center
United States
Ryan was a very kind, caring nurse. He really put his heart into taking care of me.
Ryan seemed like a weathered soul, a strong person, and compassionate. I can’t wait to learn more about him. He is a vital part of the team that runs this hospital. Not as spoken as one of the other nurses but you always need a strong silent type because that is the man with the plan. I hope he gets to be nominated for the best-silent nurse who will speak up for what is right and will remain strong through the dark times. The sun shines upon him and I know he knows that Peace to you man and remember to love everyone including me! Hello from the Other Side!
Ryan was a very kind, caring nurse. He really put his heart into taking care of me. I felt like he wanted to help me with anything he could, and not just be there for a paycheck. He noticed some bad burns on my arms and legs from working (burns from welding), and fixed them up the best he could. And called a doctor in to take a look. He gave me words of advice and wisdom on several issues. I also saw him looking on the computer to find me welding items so I don’t burn myself anymore. He was special.
Ryan was a very kind, caring nurse. He really put his heart into taking care of me. I felt like he wanted to help me with anything he could, and not just be there for a paycheck. He noticed some bad burns on my arms and legs from working (burns from welding), and fixed them up the best he could. And called a doctor in to take a look. He gave me words of advice and wisdom on several issues. I also saw him looking on the computer to find me welding items so I don’t burn myself anymore. He was special.