Laura A.
May 2022
Laura A.
Mary Grimes School of Nursing - Neosho County Community College
United States




Laura has shown me that becoming a nurse is more than applying information; it is about paying attention to the small cues that go unnoticed, and showing the patient that you care.
I have been a student at Mary Grimes School of Nursing for two years. Every teacher at this school deserves a Daisy award, but I want to nominate Laura Mallet this year. When I started the program, I knew nothing and had very little faith in myself, let alone believe I could become a nurse. With each test I passed, I kept wondering when my luck would run out. Laura gave me everything I needed to be successful, from engaging in classes, setting aside time to help me when I became overly anxious, needing clarity on an assignment, demonstrating what it truly means to be a nurse. She encouraged me to get counseling during critical moments in my life, listened to me sob, and remained a patient ear while my grandmother was dying in the hospital from COVID. Then she sat with me while I got the news from the Doctor that my Grandma had passed shortly after my finals. She has shown me that becoming a nurse is more than applying information; it is about paying attention to the small cues that go unnoticed, and showing the patient that you care. I never knew how comforting it would feel to have someone sit with me while I cried. She has encouraged me, believed in me, and showed me that I am worthy. My value as a person and a nurse is not determined by my grades or opinions of others but are determined by my actions and the determination I put into my life. I have learned more from Laura’s kindness that could only be taught by example that I will carry with me throughout my nursing practice. Her influence as a mentor and guidance as an instructor has changed my life, and I will forever be grateful for this experience that has shaped me into the person I am today.