Robyn Huey Lao
June 2022
Huey Lao
Pediatric Surgery Clinic
UC Davis Medical Center
United States




Robyn is not just an amazing nurse, but an incredible person. I am thankful to have her as a role model, teacher, and most of all a friend!
Robyn is not just a phenomenal nurse but a phenomenal person. She always goes above and beyond for her patients and their families. My son was medi-flighted to UC Davis Children’s Hospital for a Tracheoesophageal Fistula twelve hours after birth. This was an extremely emotional and scary time for me and my family. Robyn took such great care of our needs and helped us feel at ease, not just while we were at UC Davis and during aftercare when we were finally able to bring my son home, but still to this very day. Her upbeat and bubbly personality is refreshing during our video visits.

As we continue to go through this emotional journey, she has been very encouraging and understanding of my son's needs and mine as his mother, every step of the way. I know I can rely on her for every question and every concern. I really would not want any other nurse handling our needs as I know I can trust her to her job and then some. She does everything with care and compassion and with our best interest in mind.


My daughter was born last year with an unexpected and complex diagnosis. Robyn has been there with us from the beginning. There have been a number of challenges we’ve had to face and Robyn has gone above and beyond as we’ve tackled each one of them. She is knowledgeable, thorough, supportive, and resourceful. Aside from her being an amazing nurse for our daughter, I honestly can’t imagine getting this far without her support of me as well. Although family and friends can listen and empathize, Robyn’s involvement in teaching and guiding me through my daughter’s care has helped me several times I’d thought I was at a breaking point. With weeks on end of ups and downs, and often multiple phone conversations a day, knowing Robyn was there provided a sense of comfort and reassurance. I am beyond grateful to have Robyn on our side.


Robyn Lao has been a part of my daughter’s team for two years. She has seen us celebrate huge milestones and accomplishments and has been there for us when we have experienced great hurdles and setbacks. My daughter has had quite a journey, spending the first ten months of her life in the hospital during a pandemic no less. Doctors and Nurses became the familiar faces that she saw, they became the family that we could not meet. We are so fortunate to have Robyn following us and supporting us as an outpatient family! Robyn is someone who makes us feel we are her only patient, even though we know we are not, she is always there to listen and answer questions and concerns big or small, and this mom has a lot of questions! She has juggled communication on my behalf with the rest of the specialists when I don’t have the time to, and she has spent countless hours researching wound dressing options for my daughter.

When we made the decision to move to a new city to be closer to our care team, Robyn started helping us set up resources and whatever she could on the medical end of things to make it easier on us; she even found my daughter's wonderful pediatrician for me. Robyn goes above and beyond every day for us, if she is doing that for us you know that she does for all of her patients. She embodies caring and compassion, which is something you can feel when you walk into an appointment with her. When you can finally see progress after a long road she is celebrating and excited right there with you. To Robyn it’s not just about the success of the doctors alone or the medicine it’s the success of what we have all accomplished together, she sees situations with the heart of a physician and the perspective of a parent. We are thankful to have her on our team for the incredible care she gives our daughter


I have had the pleasure of working with Robyn for the last 12 years. I first met her when I was a bedside nurse, and she was the inpatient NP for the pediatric surgery team. No matter how busy she was, she always took the time to stop and answer questions. Robyn made it clear she not only cared for the patients but also wanted to help educate the bedside nurses so that we could do our jobs better. Fast forward 7 years, and now I am blessed to be Robyn’s partner on the outpatient side of the Pediatric Surgery Team. Every day I work with her I am amazed by her knowledge base and the amount she deeply cares about our patients. She treats each patient like they are the most important patient. She bends over backward to make sure that the parents feel supported and have what they need to be confident and successful in caring for their child at home.

The Pediatric Surgery Team would not be what it is today without her and her vision. She is continually thinking of new ways to help better our outpatient services. She bridges the gap between the surgery team and other services to ensure there are no miscommunications and the patients get what they need. She tracks all radiology procedures and surgery to make sure nothing is missed. Robyn spends countless hours going over new referrals and looking through the clinic list so that the physician’s clinic runs smoothly by making sure all patients have proper imaging and labs prior to their appointments. I truly believe that it is Robyn’s attention to detail and passion for what she does that make our clinic a success. Robyn not only deeply cares for the patients and our clinic but also for those of us that work with her. She always puts others first! Whether it is switching clinic days so I can be a part of my daughter’s ski team or rotating to inpatient to help fill a need, she does it with a smile and never complains. She is always willing to answer questions or help me better understand a diagnosis or a treatment process. Robyn has helped me grow so much as a nurse in the last few years! I always joke with her that when I grow up, I want to be a nurse like her! Robyn is not just an amazing nurse, but an incredible person. I am thankful to have her as a role model, teacher, and most of all a friend!