Jzavion McGowan
May 2022
Emergency Department
ProMedica Charles and Virginia Hickman Hospital
United States




You are truly a blessing for saving me.
The following message was received by an OB patient in regards to the outstanding care and service provided by Jzavion that day. The patient described how she had been in and out of the ED multiple times leading up to this visit without resolution of her abdominal pain symptoms. On this particular day, Jzavion was her nurse and advocated on her behalf for further testing, which resulted in a severe appendicitis diagnosis. She reported that he saved her and her baby. She was moved by his extreme compassion, even by simply walking her down to surgery to give her peace of mind. She credits him for saving her life and the life of her unborn baby. See the thank you message: I wanted to thank you for pushing the ER people to find out what was wrong with me, even though I was very scared. I'm feeling so much more relief after having my appendix out. Dr. "K" told me that I was very lucky to have caught it before rupturing because it was so damaged inside of me. He said that if it ruptured, the baby and I could have both died. You are truly a blessing for saving me. The ladies up here on the maternity floor gave me your name. After talking to the advocate of the hospital today, I learned of the DAISY Award. I nominate you. I hope that you get nominated for your extraordinary performance. You are an amazing nurse, and I absolutely appreciated that you found me help and answers.