Andrew Marshall
June 2022
Ascension Seton Hays
United States




He continued to come by and thank my brother for his service, which enlightened his soul!
This nurse provided positive feedback and encouraged my brother to “continue fighting.” My brother is retired from the Air Force, and knowing that this nurse has a military background helped him to understand his situation. After my brother moved to another floor, this nurse came by to check on his condition and gave him words of encouragement. He continued to come by and thank my brother for his service, which enlightened his soul! This nurse also placed an American flag outside of his room and gave him a wristband with American symbols. My brother is so thankful for his loving and caring support through this journey. I saw my brother in tears, which is not often. This has been a roller coaster for him as he has always lived alone and managed to support himself without help for 70 years. The nursing staff was so caring and wanted the best for him, and provided prayers. Thank you! You are the best, and may God continue to provide wonderful nurses like Andrew Marshall throughout these years.