5 East "Joy" Team
May 2022
5 East "Joy" Team
5 East Med/Surg
Kaiser Permanente Anaheim Medical Center
United States
Casie Nguyen, MSN, PCCN, Charge RN
Diana Llamas, BSN, RN
Christine Tiro, MSN, RN
Tara Sagun, BSN, RN
Fabiola Sandoval, RN
Lisette Beltran, BSN, RN
Diana Llamas, BSN, RN
Christine Tiro, MSN, RN
Tara Sagun, BSN, RN
Fabiola Sandoval, RN
Lisette Beltran, BSN, RN
She coordinated with the other nurses and nursing assistants and had them go to the patient's room. Diana surprised everyone by singing a happy birthday song in Spanish.
Casie Nguyen MSN RN, Diana Llamas, Christine Tiro, RN, Tara Sagun, RN, and Fabiola Sandoval, RN went above and beyond to make a difference in the lives of patients and families.
Christine was the primary RN caring for the patient. Christine approached the charge nurse Casie, about her patient's 20th wedding anniversary and wanted to make it a special remembrance despite the hospital stay. The patient's wife was permitted to be at the bedside due to the special circumstances. The patient was in tears that he was unable to do anything special for his wife due to his illness and change in health. What seemed like a gloomy day, the nurses changed into a glorious day. Christine and Casie approached the patient about what he would like to do for his wife. The patient verbized that he would like to give her flowers and a card. The team of nurses planned a surprise for his wife. They sent her for lunch and coordinated the surprise plan with the patient. Charge nurse Casie went to the gift shop, took pictures of the flowers and cards, and showed them to the patient who picked red roses and an anniversary card. She volunteered to coordinate the purchase of flowers and card during her lunch hour.
The team quickly ordered a cake from nutrition services, and the team of nurses along with the patient surprised his wife with roses, an anniversary card, and the cake. It was a genuine moment to watch the husband and wife hugging each other and thanking God for the gift of life. They both said in tears that they valued life in the hospital more than ever. For the wife, it was a miracle to celebrate their anniversary. And to the husband, he was joyful “to be alive." The team of nurses shared the joy of their anniversary. The patient's wife could not believe the nurses would care for him to such an extent. The patient thanked the nurse manager for the kindness of the nurses who brought light to an otherwise gloomy day. The patient's wife thanked the nursing team who stepped out of their call of duty. Both husband and wife told the nurse manager “We will never forget this anniversary as long as we live." An extraordinary day with strangers who brought joy, comfort, and light into their day.
On the same day, the same group of nurses brought comfort and joy to another Spanish-speaking patient who was celebrating her birthday in the hospital. The patient was observed to be sad, during the nurse leader round. Diana Llamas, the primary care RN, learned that it was the patient’s birthday, and she was missing her family. Diana arranged an individual cake from the nutrition services and surprised the patient. She coordinated with the other nurses and nursing assistants and had them go to the patient's room. Diana surprised everyone by singing a happy birthday song in Spanish. Her loud voice echoed in the room. We watched the patient’s face cheer up and she thanked the team through tears.
Followed by Diana singing the entire team sang to the patient and wished her a happy birthday. The patient later notified the nurse manager that an ordinary day became a special day due to the kindness and compassion shown by the team of nurses.
Lizette Beltran, RN cares for her patients deeply. During the Pandemic she took care of a young patient who felt isolated and depressed due to the hospital stay and the lack of visitors. It was on Valentine’s Day; the patient missed her loved ones even more. Lizette, apart from spending considerable time at the bedside, did something extraordinary for the patient. Lizette completed her shift at 8 pm and was returning the next day. She decided to surprise the patient with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. The staff thought Lizette had received flowers for Valentine’s Day, on walking onto the unit. But Lizette gently stated, “it is for my patient who needs it more than me." Lizette not only changed the course of her patient's hospital stay but also demonstrated that little acts of kindness can make a big difference in the lives of patients and families. The patient was completely surprised at the flowers and the act of kindness by Lizette. She verbalized that her whole approach to the hospital stay had changed once she knew she was in the hands of caring nurses like Lizette. "I am grateful to lead a team of nurses with such compassion, kindness, and a calling to make a difference in the lives of patients and families. Nursing has the power to empower the lives of patients and families" says assistant nurse manager, Elizabeth Phillips, DNP, RN.
Christine was the primary RN caring for the patient. Christine approached the charge nurse Casie, about her patient's 20th wedding anniversary and wanted to make it a special remembrance despite the hospital stay. The patient's wife was permitted to be at the bedside due to the special circumstances. The patient was in tears that he was unable to do anything special for his wife due to his illness and change in health. What seemed like a gloomy day, the nurses changed into a glorious day. Christine and Casie approached the patient about what he would like to do for his wife. The patient verbized that he would like to give her flowers and a card. The team of nurses planned a surprise for his wife. They sent her for lunch and coordinated the surprise plan with the patient. Charge nurse Casie went to the gift shop, took pictures of the flowers and cards, and showed them to the patient who picked red roses and an anniversary card. She volunteered to coordinate the purchase of flowers and card during her lunch hour.
The team quickly ordered a cake from nutrition services, and the team of nurses along with the patient surprised his wife with roses, an anniversary card, and the cake. It was a genuine moment to watch the husband and wife hugging each other and thanking God for the gift of life. They both said in tears that they valued life in the hospital more than ever. For the wife, it was a miracle to celebrate their anniversary. And to the husband, he was joyful “to be alive." The team of nurses shared the joy of their anniversary. The patient's wife could not believe the nurses would care for him to such an extent. The patient thanked the nurse manager for the kindness of the nurses who brought light to an otherwise gloomy day. The patient's wife thanked the nursing team who stepped out of their call of duty. Both husband and wife told the nurse manager “We will never forget this anniversary as long as we live." An extraordinary day with strangers who brought joy, comfort, and light into their day.
On the same day, the same group of nurses brought comfort and joy to another Spanish-speaking patient who was celebrating her birthday in the hospital. The patient was observed to be sad, during the nurse leader round. Diana Llamas, the primary care RN, learned that it was the patient’s birthday, and she was missing her family. Diana arranged an individual cake from the nutrition services and surprised the patient. She coordinated with the other nurses and nursing assistants and had them go to the patient's room. Diana surprised everyone by singing a happy birthday song in Spanish. Her loud voice echoed in the room. We watched the patient’s face cheer up and she thanked the team through tears.
Followed by Diana singing the entire team sang to the patient and wished her a happy birthday. The patient later notified the nurse manager that an ordinary day became a special day due to the kindness and compassion shown by the team of nurses.
Lizette Beltran, RN cares for her patients deeply. During the Pandemic she took care of a young patient who felt isolated and depressed due to the hospital stay and the lack of visitors. It was on Valentine’s Day; the patient missed her loved ones even more. Lizette, apart from spending considerable time at the bedside, did something extraordinary for the patient. Lizette completed her shift at 8 pm and was returning the next day. She decided to surprise the patient with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. The staff thought Lizette had received flowers for Valentine’s Day, on walking onto the unit. But Lizette gently stated, “it is for my patient who needs it more than me." Lizette not only changed the course of her patient's hospital stay but also demonstrated that little acts of kindness can make a big difference in the lives of patients and families. The patient was completely surprised at the flowers and the act of kindness by Lizette. She verbalized that her whole approach to the hospital stay had changed once she knew she was in the hands of caring nurses like Lizette. "I am grateful to lead a team of nurses with such compassion, kindness, and a calling to make a difference in the lives of patients and families. Nursing has the power to empower the lives of patients and families" says assistant nurse manager, Elizabeth Phillips, DNP, RN.