Farah Wittmeyer
June 2022
Trauma Resuscitation Unit
University of Maryland Medical Center
United States
Farah Wittmeyer was my life saver.
I got into a serious car accident, and my body completely shut down. The accident happened so fast I didn’t know what happened. I didn’t feel anything or hear the crash. I found myself on the side of 695, facing oncoming traffic with my car completely totaled. The first thing I thought of was help. I needed help immediately. A man stopped and came to my door as I was stuck in my car, and by the grace of God, I was able to call 911 myself. The man stayed with me until I had the EMTs arrive. After that, I blanked out. I arrived to shock trauma and remember being rolled into a room with 6 nurses ready for me. One nurse stuck out to me the most and went above and beyond. Farah Wittmeyer was my life saver. I know many nurses had a part to play when it came to caring for me, but Farah stuck out the most. With all my injuries, including a brain bleed, concussion, inner lip cut open, punctured liver and lung, 4 broken ribs, and a broken ankle, Farah took my mind off of it all. At the time of my accident, COVID-19 was at its worst, and I was unable to have any family with me, but that was ok; all I needed was Farah. I honestly couldn’t have asked for a better nurse. She made me feel like I was family, as if I was a sister or a daughter to her. As I sat there, Farah would sit with me when she was able to and chat and joke around with me (we had many laughs). Farah charged my phone, so I could stay in contact with my family and, most importantly to me, she put a chair next to my bed; as I cried from pain and disbelief, she rubbed my head until I went to sleep. The time she spent with me meant so much. I told Farah that when I was a kid, my dad always did that; he rubbed my head until I was asleep, and because she did that, I felt a sense of comfort. I would look at the clock and know Farah worked from 7pm to 7am, and I would hate for her shift to be over because all I wanted was her comfort. However, I would sleep and be so excited for her shift to start back up so I could see her. I would tell her to keep my curtain open, so I can look out and see her do what she’s best at! The day I had to leave and go upstairs, I cried. I cried because I had to leave her, and she would no longer be my nurse. At that point, my father was able to come see me. As crazy as it sounds, I still wanted to be downstairs with her. I feel that she was my angel. She comforted me, cared for me, spent time with me, and was able to get everything off my mind. She was the absolute best! The day I was discharged, all I wanted was to see her one last time. It was impossible because I knew she was moving on to give the same care to someone else that needed it more than I did at that moment. Farah crosses my mind very often. I think about how far I have come and all the help I had between the nurses and doctors. I couldn’t have asked for a better outcome! Farah not only helped me physically but mentally. She is the reason I got through this hard time. If patients had a choice to pick a nurse, I would wholeheartedly say Farah! She will always have a place in my heart because of what she did. This job definitely fits her perfectly! I always wanted to do something for her but thought, how can I even get close to doing something in return. I thought to send something for her for national nurse day, but I didn’t think it would be that easy. I’m writing this because I want it to be known how special she is and how great of a nurse she is. She deserves acknowledgment for what she has done and how many people she comes across and touched. I thank her very much.