Jessica Ring
November 2021
Joint & Spine Unit
Anne Arundel Medical Center
United States
The man was pale and unresponsive with no pulse and no response to a sternal rub. With no one in sight, Jessica immediately started compressions.
Jessica performed a heroic life-saving act on a complete stranger. Jessica was off and had an appointment at the vet for her dog. For some reason, Jessica decided to leave 20 min early for her appointment in case they could see her dog earlier. Ironically, she chose to throw on her JSU COVID 19 AAMC jersey. While choosing to take a little shortcut through Annapolis she happen to look down a small side street only to witness a man who was cutting his lawn colipase.
Jessica immediately turned her car around and drove over to the fallen man. The man was pale and unresponsive with no pulse and no response to a sternal rub. With no one in sight, Jessica immediately started compressions. Shortly after another car drove by and this driver did get out of his car to help. Jessica directed him to call for help. Soon the EMT service arrived, and the patient had to be shocked several times before he could be transported to AAMC ICU. After several days in the unit and receiving a pacemaker he was transferred to HVU.
Jessica decided to go down to see him and share her story. He had heard there was a guardian angel that was with him when this happened and she saved his life. It was an emotional moment for both Jessica and this patient, one I know neither will forget. Jessica was so grateful something told her to go early to her appointment and travel the route she took. Jessica said, "God was looking out for both of us that day"! A real AAMC Hero!!! Congratulations, Jessica, and thank you, your actions clearly were instrumental in saving this man’s life.
Jessica immediately turned her car around and drove over to the fallen man. The man was pale and unresponsive with no pulse and no response to a sternal rub. With no one in sight, Jessica immediately started compressions. Shortly after another car drove by and this driver did get out of his car to help. Jessica directed him to call for help. Soon the EMT service arrived, and the patient had to be shocked several times before he could be transported to AAMC ICU. After several days in the unit and receiving a pacemaker he was transferred to HVU.
Jessica decided to go down to see him and share her story. He had heard there was a guardian angel that was with him when this happened and she saved his life. It was an emotional moment for both Jessica and this patient, one I know neither will forget. Jessica was so grateful something told her to go early to her appointment and travel the route she took. Jessica said, "God was looking out for both of us that day"! A real AAMC Hero!!! Congratulations, Jessica, and thank you, your actions clearly were instrumental in saving this man’s life.