8RP Nursing Team
May 2022
8RP Nursing Team
Sentara Norfolk General Hospital
United States
Latoia Kidd BSN RN
Comfort Boakye BSN RN
Mai Willis BSN, RN-BC
Cynthia Polen BSN, PCCN
Sharon Collins BSN RN
Allie Parks BSN, TCRN
Kerri Niang RN
Corasha Dent BSN, RN
Carolyn Kuhn RN
Sarah Crumpler BSN, RN
Arlecia Purvis RN
Sherry Raynor RN
Kathryn Sommner RN
Morgan Hardy BSN RN
Miah Smith RN
Rosita Padilla RN
Whitney Smith BSN, RN
Tiffany Donahue RN
Raven Campbell RN
Angela Sutton BSN RN
Makayla Wilson BSN RN
Chelsey Mclaughlin RN
Jessica Rabara-Brokate RN
Heather Means BSN RN
Precious Knight BSN RN
Riley Mayer BSN RN
Brittney Roy RN
Brittany Jordan BSN, RN
Shanickqua Ballard BSN, RN
Devon Huber BSN RN
Megan Hogan BSN RN
Caneisha Wiggins BSN RN
Jordan Hill BSN RN
Kaydian Griffiths BSN RN
Laura Mitchell RN
Kerighan Farrell BSN RN
Elena Field BSN RN
Cathy Dang BSN RN
Ellen Beyrodt BSN RN
Lindsey Bagley BSN RN
Maria Moran RN
Miosottis Reeser RN
Jeffrey Leslie RN
Makenna Murphy BSN RN
Emily Perdue RN
Meredith Rhodes MSN RN
Sarah Rodriguez RN
Jessica Ladd RN
Alicia Whitaker RN
Sierra Yonker LPN
Jessica Wesson LPN
Sherry Taylor LPN
Monica Riddick LPN
Jessica Merritt LPN
Sarah Dunn LPN
Keyana Allen LPN
Brittnay Dent CSA
Krystal Gibbs CSA
Tabitha Haddox MSN, RN
Regan Wiedenfeld NCP
Kimberlynne Watkins NCP
Annalise Vico NCP
Leah Truitt NCP
Marry Ann Saradpon NCP
Filisha Riddick NCP
Shawntae Massie NCP
Samantha Sabillo NCP
Jamielia Lawrence NCP
Harrison Kramer NCP
Micheal Kipper NCP
Jenai Jackson NCP
Pamela Huff NCP
Sharoz Gohar NCP
Katherine Cossey NCP
Ariah Burton NCP
Sean Wheeler NCP
Brae Noblett NCP
Julia Balser NCP
James Wilson NCP
Kawia Artist NCP
Jennifer Piazza NCP
Comfort Boakye BSN RN
Mai Willis BSN, RN-BC
Cynthia Polen BSN, PCCN
Sharon Collins BSN RN
Allie Parks BSN, TCRN
Kerri Niang RN
Corasha Dent BSN, RN
Carolyn Kuhn RN
Sarah Crumpler BSN, RN
Arlecia Purvis RN
Sherry Raynor RN
Kathryn Sommner RN
Morgan Hardy BSN RN
Miah Smith RN
Rosita Padilla RN
Whitney Smith BSN, RN
Tiffany Donahue RN
Raven Campbell RN
Angela Sutton BSN RN
Makayla Wilson BSN RN
Chelsey Mclaughlin RN
Jessica Rabara-Brokate RN
Heather Means BSN RN
Precious Knight BSN RN
Riley Mayer BSN RN
Brittney Roy RN
Brittany Jordan BSN, RN
Shanickqua Ballard BSN, RN
Devon Huber BSN RN
Megan Hogan BSN RN
Caneisha Wiggins BSN RN
Jordan Hill BSN RN
Kaydian Griffiths BSN RN
Laura Mitchell RN
Kerighan Farrell BSN RN
Elena Field BSN RN
Cathy Dang BSN RN
Ellen Beyrodt BSN RN
Lindsey Bagley BSN RN
Maria Moran RN
Miosottis Reeser RN
Jeffrey Leslie RN
Makenna Murphy BSN RN
Emily Perdue RN
Meredith Rhodes MSN RN
Sarah Rodriguez RN
Jessica Ladd RN
Alicia Whitaker RN
Sierra Yonker LPN
Jessica Wesson LPN
Sherry Taylor LPN
Monica Riddick LPN
Jessica Merritt LPN
Sarah Dunn LPN
Keyana Allen LPN
Brittnay Dent CSA
Krystal Gibbs CSA
Tabitha Haddox MSN, RN
Regan Wiedenfeld NCP
Kimberlynne Watkins NCP
Annalise Vico NCP
Leah Truitt NCP
Marry Ann Saradpon NCP
Filisha Riddick NCP
Shawntae Massie NCP
Samantha Sabillo NCP
Jamielia Lawrence NCP
Harrison Kramer NCP
Micheal Kipper NCP
Jenai Jackson NCP
Pamela Huff NCP
Sharoz Gohar NCP
Katherine Cossey NCP
Ariah Burton NCP
Sean Wheeler NCP
Brae Noblett NCP
Julia Balser NCP
James Wilson NCP
Kawia Artist NCP
Jennifer Piazza NCP
Over the past couple of years this team has really grown to be able to come together providing excellence in nursing care. 8R has been recognized for being a T1 team on the MOT survey for the past two years. Being a T1 team shows their ability to be a high functioning and resilient team, even during the hardest of times. Over the past couple of years 8R has come to realize the needs of the hospital and how they can help. Their staff is always willing to float to those units in need to help to provide for safe staffing ratios. The charge nurses on 8R have volunteered to float to other units to be the charge nurse when that unit did not have any for that shift. The nurses of 8R are always willing to do what it takes to staff their unit.
Nurses have changed their schedule, swapped shifts, and even come in on their days off so they do not fall into critical staffing. This unit has also formed an ambassador squad that provides team bonding activities during working hours as well as outside of work. The ambassador squad is well known for their over-the-top nurses' week, NCP week, and 12 days of Christmas. 8R’s teamwork also provides for a great learning environment for students.
It is on a rare occasion that there aren’t any nursing students or NCP students on the unit. This teamwork then leads to students wanting to complete their preceptorship on the unit and then those nurses applying for jobs on the unit, which in turn reflects on the increased staff 8R has. When it comes to new employees 8R has started a mentorship program for all new nurses (RN and LPN) and NCPs. This allows new hires to bond with staff and feel supported by their coworkers. Since 8R has blossomed, they have shown that they are able to hold each other accountable for actions taking place on the unit.
An example of this is that they are always being sure that the central line protocol is being followed. The positive outcome of their ability to hold themselves accountable is that, it has been over three years since the unit has been hit with a CLABSI. 8R’s generosity extends outside of work as well. They have participated in the Angel Tree at Christmas time. Over the summer they also filled 75 backpacks and donated them to the Seaton House which is a youth shelter based out of Virginia Beach. All in all I would just like to say this unit not only delivers exceptional patient care, it provides for a wonderful environment for staff to work in and want to work on.
Nurses have changed their schedule, swapped shifts, and even come in on their days off so they do not fall into critical staffing. This unit has also formed an ambassador squad that provides team bonding activities during working hours as well as outside of work. The ambassador squad is well known for their over-the-top nurses' week, NCP week, and 12 days of Christmas. 8R’s teamwork also provides for a great learning environment for students.
It is on a rare occasion that there aren’t any nursing students or NCP students on the unit. This teamwork then leads to students wanting to complete their preceptorship on the unit and then those nurses applying for jobs on the unit, which in turn reflects on the increased staff 8R has. When it comes to new employees 8R has started a mentorship program for all new nurses (RN and LPN) and NCPs. This allows new hires to bond with staff and feel supported by their coworkers. Since 8R has blossomed, they have shown that they are able to hold each other accountable for actions taking place on the unit.
An example of this is that they are always being sure that the central line protocol is being followed. The positive outcome of their ability to hold themselves accountable is that, it has been over three years since the unit has been hit with a CLABSI. 8R’s generosity extends outside of work as well. They have participated in the Angel Tree at Christmas time. Over the summer they also filled 75 backpacks and donated them to the Seaton House which is a youth shelter based out of Virginia Beach. All in all I would just like to say this unit not only delivers exceptional patient care, it provides for a wonderful environment for staff to work in and want to work on.