Megan Thompson
August 2022
Adult Partial Hospitalization Program
Baystate Medical Center




Megan worked tirelessly to make this patient feel seen and heard every single day, and the change that I witnessed take place within this patient was astounding.
There are dozens of extraordinary moments that come to mind in regard to the compassionate care that Megan Thompson provides to our patients every single day. Most recently, we had a patient in our program who was deeply depressed, suicidal, hopeless, and struggling with chronic medical issues. She’s been in our program several times, so she is well known to us. Megan immediately identified where this patient was at and went above and beyond in making sure that her needs were taken care of.

When it became clear that the patient could no longer drive, Megan helped by picking up her medications at the pharmacy and helping to arrange for her medications to be delivered to her home. When the patient felt too at risk to be in charge of her medications, Megan was able to assist in safety planning and dispensed only several days’ worth of meds at a time. She always offered this patient a kind word, a joke to make her laugh, or validation to make sure the patient knew that she mattered.

Megan worked tirelessly to make this patient feel seen and heard every single day, and the change that I witnessed take place within this patient was astounding. She had hope again. She smiled more. She laughed and made jokes herself. By the time she was discharged she shared that she felt like herself again and finally believed she could survive. I’ve never seen this type of change in her during previous treatment stays, and I know that Megan played a significant role in this. This is what she does for our patients- treat every patient as if they are special because they are. Megan Thompson is sunshine personified, and our patients are so lucky to be in their care.