Julia Glass
July 2022
Augusta Health
United States




Not only was she comforting to me at that time, but on her day off the next day Julia made a special trip out to check in on us!
One of the most wonderful parts of bringing new life into this world is recounting the story of that little one's journey to friends and loved ones. When recounting my birth story, there is one specific hero who always makes the tale and that is Julia. Initially upon arrival, she was the nurse who got us checked in and was there when we found out we were indeed in labor and staying. I struggled through these cervical checks and our covid test, not to mention the overwhelm of early labor. Julia was a source of calm reassurance. I was in labor early and with my first baby, through several interactions with providers across all scopes of our care I was left unsure and without confidence in choosing our steps. Julia made it very clear through each of these interactions that she was not only going to be my nurse, but my active advocate while understanding my needs and wants through this huge life event.

When an anesthesiologist told us that we needed an epidural then, one hour after I found out I was in labor, or I would have to wait four hours, Julia spoke up and assured us that if that anesthesiologist was unavailable she would find us one no matter when I decided it was needed. Though she was only a nurse for a few short hours, that is not where our story ends. Fortunately on her returning shift the following day, after a night full of laboring for me, Julia was back and our nurse again coming in right as my labor became very active. She supported me through anything that we wanted to try, advocated to our midwife and obstetrician about my needs and wants while being a constant comfort and presence to my husband and I.

Ultimately, my baby was not going to be able to be delivered and we were told an emergency c-section was needed. I was scared, overwhelmed, and exhausted. As we were quickly prepped for surgery, Julia never left my side aside for making sure that my husband was supplied everything he needed to be available in the spring. Of course he was not there for surgical prep, and I was asked by Julia if I wanted our midwife to come in with me for extra support. I only remember asking her if she would be in there, and she assured me that she would and would not leave me until my husband was able to return. I distinctly remember her denying a request of another nurse to leave and assist them stating quite plainly, "I will not be leaving my patient until her support person is able to replace me."

Our c section was not normal, it was quite traumatic. Our baby was stuck, an extra incision was made, and she was delivered breech via section and not breathing. I went into a panic attack during the closing of my surgery and had to be heavily sedated. When I was stable and my husband had our daughter in hand, Julia took my phone for us and got so many pictures which is something at the time neither my husband nor I had any presence of mind to do.

After the surgery, I don't remember much due to the heavy sedation. My husband recounts every detail of the first hours of our daughter's life with Julia there by our side. She picked out a hat for our baby when I couldn't, made sure my husband trimmed our daughter's cord and that we got pictures when I couldn't. She knew I wanted to breastfeed but that I was in no place to do it alone being a first time mom, not to mention being a heavily sedated one. While I was barely awake to help, she latched my baby and held her to nurse for 45 minutes on multiple occasions- all while I slipped in and our of consciousness. I truly believe our breastfeeding journey would not have been successful without her attention and care during this time. This goes way beyond the scope of expected care.

I remember hearing her hand us off to the next nurse when her shift was over, and explaining in great detail all of my wishes and needs, and making sure that it was understood why I was in such a bad state, that my birth was not easy, and that I was going to need extensive care. I was so sad that her shift ended, I remember being emotional and anxious about moving to postpartum with a new nurse. I explained this to Julia, and of course we all knew I would be fine, but in my fragile state she was very reassuring and loving in my transition over. Not only was she comforting to me at that time, but on her day off the next day Julia made a special trip out to check in on us! She was a complete gift. Not only did I have a real angel for our entire birth but I gained a much needed friend during one of the hardest things I will ever experience.

I recently ran into Julia and had all of these emotions flood back, which finally prompted me to get this nomination done! She is an incredible nurse who goes above and beyond the scope of expected care for her patients. This account shows what I alone remember and doesn't even account for everything she did to help my husband while I was completely incapacitated. My birth experience was saved by her and the extensive compassion she showed me. She will always be the hero of my birth story!