Tiffany Wright
October 2022
Independence Center
Bryan Medical Center
United States
She told me I could get ahold of her anytime if I ever needed anything. She has delivered on that many times.
When I first came to this area, Tiffany was there to greet me. As I sat down next to her, I could see that she was someone whom I would learn a lot from. She calmly and patiently answered all my questions. I thought this was a great example of “know the way, show the way.” I observed how she would know the answers when patients would ask about medications or just need someone to listen. She told me I could get ahold of her anytime if I ever needed anything. She has delivered on that many times. I have called her to ask where to find something in the computer or how to chart something to specific to this unit. I have seen so many people turn to her as a resource, knowing she would have the answers. If she didn’t, she would find out. When I think of “one team, one purpose,” it definitely applies to her. She shows up for her people and patients, and helps in any way she can. She is a true DAISY Nurse.