Kelland Wolf
November 2022
Multicare Valley Hospital
Spokane Valley
United States
He was real with her and explained in a non-condescending, non-threatening manner what the alcohol was doing to her body.
I want to start by saying how refreshing it was to have Kelland as my daughter's nurse her first day in the CCU. My daughter is 23 and unfortunately is struggling with alcohol addiction. I hate to say this was not her first hospitalization. Her addiction has been a hard battle for our family and even we can get frustrated at times with the situation. Kelland was a gem! He treated her with respect and kindness. The way he spoke and related to her was amazing. He talked right to her and not around her. We have seen staff say nothing, just come in and adjust an IV. He was real with her and explained in a non-condescending , non-threatening manner what the alcohol was doing to her body. He was realistic with her and talked to her about how off her lab values were and why she needed to be there. After her EGD he again explained how the alcohol was affecting her esophagus. Kelland was sincere and did not avoid the elephant in the room. I am so proud to say my daughter has not had a drink since she left the hospital 42 days ago. She is actually excited about being sober. She is getting help with counseling and is starting AA classes. I truly believe this is a result of Kelland's honesty, respect, and genuine desire to help her . God bless Kelland and the many lives he has touched in his career.