Marcia Krug
September 2022
St. Mary's Healthcare
United States




I was done having my babies and because of Marcia, it became a beautiful memory I will cherish for the rest of my life.
I wanted to take this opportunity to recognize the labor and delivery nurse that changed my life, Marcia. In order to understand how significant her role played in this pivotal point of my life; you must first understand how terrible my first birth experience was.

I gave birth at a different hospital in 2009. I felt like I had no control over my own body or wants. My labor in its entirety lasted 2 hours and 38 minutes long. It was complete chaos. I didn’t understand why it was happening so fast, why my contractions weren’t subsiding and why there was so much blood. I ended up hemorrhaging and became a “learning experience” for about 15 nurses and staff. I had no idea that I needed to have a pediatrician lined up before birth. I never got any guidance on that before I had my baby. I thought I would be given a pediatrician right at the hospital.

As you can imagine I suffered from postpartum depression, bad. The months that immediately followed the birth were sad, lonely, and fear-based. Was I stupid? Should I be a mom? I believe the lack of care and empathy directly affected my inability to bond and breastfeed successfully which resulted in PTSD. I lost my hair, couldn’t sleep, and became dangerously thin. I waited 10 years before I would become pregnant again and when I did, I couldn’t sustain the pregnancy. I was with a great man, we were engaged, and we had goals and dreams for our future. However, I could not escape the terror of having to go through that experience again.

I went to therapy and worked through the traumas of my past. I found myself wanting to continue to grow my family but was scared I would experience it all the same way again. I moved with my Fiancé and despite how happy and secure I felt in life I still found myself terrified when I found out I was pregnant again. We found a support group through St. Mary’s parenting classes and that is when I met Marcia. One class with her and our fate was sealed. She lit me up inside and made me feel like this was not only something I could do but something I would actually possibly enjoy too!

Marcia reignited a passion that long ago as a little girl, I dreamed of being a mom! The class offered so many resources and prepared me for all the what-ifs and to-dos. The pregnancy with my son in 2019 was a struggle with pre-eclampsia and I swore that was it! Two kids and done! I had a great experience with labor and delivery. The nurses were nice. I was prepared and able to breastfeed for 17 months! I felt it was a success… but absolutely nothing in comparison to the labor and delivery of my daughter in 2022.

Considering everything I learned and loved about having my son at St. Mary’s, I was coming back for my last baby and had zero stress or fear about the experience to come. Marcia had given me her phone number and made herself available to me for questions or concerns. I kept her up to date with how I was feeling and that day when my contractions picked up, I let her know that I was going into the hospital to be checked. I felt completely fine until we walked into the hospital, that is when the stress came flooding back again! Omg, I’m 37 years old, what if this time I don’t have a nice nurse, what if I hemorrhage again… what if I died! I was on the verge of a full-blown panic attack in the middle of walking down the hallway…and I hear “You’re walking too fast for me to catch up.” IT WAS MARCIA! She came to the hospital to be with me and help me through this!

I immediately cried of course overjoyed that she would stop what she was doing to come to be with me. All anxiety GONE instantly! Labor was…. Well, labor! I was able to labor in the shower! I was listened to and literally every step of the way Marcia was there, bringing me drinks, fixing my hair, and literally soaking herself in the shower while she rubbed me and sprayed me with the shower head for HOURS!

When it was time to get into bed Marcia was running down the hall for a fan, rubbing me, drying me, and coaching me through the last baby I’ll ever bring into this world. It was the end of an era. I was done having my babies and because of Marcia, it became a beautiful memory I will cherish for the rest of my life. I have no regrets about that night. Everything was perfect. I brought a beautiful baby girl into the world and how else better to close that chapter than to ask this incredible woman to cut our baby’s cord? I give the credit for being able to love two more babies in my life because of her and her amazing dedication to loving her position as a labor and delivery nurse. Marcia clearly loves and is dedicated to her work. She puts everything she is into insuring the comfort of her patients. Marcia is not only a hero in my eyes but is now a lifelong friend. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sincerely changing my life. I love you!