Tori Alterman
December 2022
Scottish Rite PICU
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Scottish Rite
United States




Tori advocated for this family and patient to get labs reordered and to start treating the patient like there was potential for him to be an organ donor.
This is an incredible nurse and an asset to the PICU. Not only does she perform all the roles, but she also excels in them. She makes a difference in multiple children's lives daily but one specific moment comes to mind. She took over care of a gunshot wound to the head who would not survive. During the day they determined he was extremely unstable and made him a DNR and the goal was to let the family grieve. The day team held all labs for the night shift and was only treating certain issues with him. This nurse advocated for this family and patient to get labs reordered and to start treating the patient like there was potential for him to be an organ donor. In the morning they did brain death testing and continued to treat this patient with the orders this nurse advocated for. After the next round of exams, the family decided to make him an organ donor and LifeLink took over his care. If this nurse didn't advocate for this patient and the patients who will receive his organs, there could have been a delay in transplant while they waited for his labs to level out. And without checking labs, there was a potential we could have missed something that was affecting his organs. This nurse did the right thing over nights and asked the doctor what the plan was and advocated that the patient could be a future organ donor even if he doesn't make it so we should continue to care for him to the best of our abilities.