Irene Tedeschi
December 2022
Primary Care of Hudson
Foundation Medical Partners
United States




Patients love Irene and trust in her ability to assist in their care.
Clinical Excellence: Where do I begin? She is a knowledgeable nurse. Irene is a resource to all staff and providers alike. The providers have come to rely on her as an essential role in the care of their patients. One provider tells the complex patients “When you call, ask for Irene”. She is keenly aware of the Hudson providers practice style and adjusts accordingly and is essential part of the care we provide our patients. She is the voice of the patient and also the voice of the provider and that at times means to take the brunt of many challenging discussions. She is consistently professional, caring and in her ability to ensure the patients understanding while following directives from our provider team. She attends our weekly provider meetings in Hudson and is the voice of our clinical support to the providers, she provides excellent insight and ideas to help us streamline processes including our childhood vaccine program. Irene has been an LPN for many years and brings her experience to the table. She is a resource for so many including our providers. Due to recent staff changes, Irene took on being the vaccine coordinator. She owned this new task and has streamlined the ENTIRE process here in Hudson. It is the most organized it has been since I began. Her skill set, organization and continuous desire to learn is evident in her daily work.

Attitude: We had a tremendous turnover of providers the past couple of years and her ability to remain positive and focused on the patient is remarkable, assuring the patient that we are here for them, limited disruption to their care, and assist the patient in their transition to a new provider coming or newly arrived.

Support to covering providers of unknown patients to them: We hired a new grad RN and she has been an asset to her transitioning to the new Triage role, providing the necessary support necessary for any new Nurse (LPN or RN) to be successful.

Positive attitude is an understatement. This past few years Irene's role has changed significantly from rooming to now a triage nurse, role model, and vaccine coordinator and she certainly is looked upon as our “Go To” person. We had many covering providers who were amazed at the support she provided to them with her awareness of our patients and our processes. One covering MD noted that “not only does she know the patients well and can provide background, but she also NEVER hesitates to offer help if I have a question, and she consistently goes above and beyond to find a way to meet the patient’s needs and my needs in the process. I know when she’s got the ball, she’s got the ball and she’s running with it. I don’t have to worry that important patient issue will be lost to follow up when Irene is on the case! “

She consistently has a can-do attitude, and it is contagious to the team. She does not hesitate to help anyone. On many accounts she has jumped in and helped IC and covered longer shifts at the last minute. Her flexibility and commitment to our practice is commendable and an example of a loyal individual.

Professional & Organizational Pride: Without a doubt Irene takes pride in the care we provide to our patients, meeting our goals and achieving excellence. Irene works to the top of her license and provides exceptional support to our providers allowing them efficiency and the information needs to care for patients. She is responsible for MWE, vaccines, adding the COVID vaccine. She is a big part in how this practice is able to accomplish all that we have. The Vaccine program with the State is more organized here in Hudson than it has been in years past. I am confident in Irene's attention to detail with the expectations from the State regarding reporting vaccines and the childhood vaccine program.

Patient Advocacy:  Back in the Fall of 2021, we had an elderly man who suddenly became homeless, he was lost and had no one to guide him. He had no support and limited knowledge of where to begin in your mid 80s. Irene was part of the inspiration to help find him a home, gather needed items for living, while ensuring his medical care was closely followed. Among other things she provided him a nice chair that he truly enjoyed sitting in. She and her husband brought the chair and other needed items on their weekend to help get him settled. Her heart was full in helping this patient with the things most will take for granted. Irene is an advocate for all our patients. She is the voice to our providers from our patients. Patients adore her and ALWAYS feel listened to and cared for. She understands patient frustrations and remains professional while actively listening to at times patients going around in circles, frustrated or simply stated complex. She takes the time to ensure our patients understand directions, etc. Patients love Irene and trust in her ability to assist in their care.