Sue Scott
September 2022
Office of Professional Practice
MU Health Care
United States
Scott pioneered our 15-year-old nationally recognized forYOU Team peer support group, which has helped reduce the impact of second victim on our staff.
Sue Scott, PhD, RN, a nurse scientist in our Office of Professional Practice, recently received the DAISY Nurse Leader Award for being a great asset to MU Health Care and our nursing culture. In her current role, Scott works to advance our relationship with the Sinclair School of Nursing and to build our nursing research resources at MU Health Care. In her prior leadership role as the director of our Office of Professional Practice, she helped establish MU Health Care’s Clinical Shared Leadership and Nursing Professional Practice Model, ensuring that nursing at MU Health Care is viewed as a profession that has a voice in how we deliver care to our patients. Scott pioneered our 15-year-old nationally recognized forYOU Team peer support group, which has helped reduce the impact of second victim on our staff. “Through the addition of this team, she has helped minimize blame when patient safety events occur, ensuring that we could focus on fixing the root cause as opposed to punishing a person for their mistake,” the nomination describes. “In addition, she has worked to continue to quantify second victim and has been a co-author of the Second Victim Experience and Support tool.” Scott has also mentored many nurses through their continuing education and has been a champion of professional practice, evidence-based practice, nursing theory, and nursing research at MU Health Care.